Friday, May 27, 2016

A Biblical Perspective on Sabbaticals 5/27/16

Spiritual Sabbatical:  of or pertaining or appropriate to the Sabbath, bringing a period of rest.  It’s any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.

The word sabbatical, which can be a noun or an adjective, comes from the Greek word sabatikos, which means “of the Sabbath,” the day of rest that happens every seventh day.

A  Spiritual or ministry sabbatical is not an extended vacation nor is it an academic sabbatical that normally involves extensive study. A Spiritual/ministry sabbatical is a release from the routine of the call for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being of the ministry leader.

It is a specified time to set aside the leader’s normal responsibilities for the purpose of rest and renewal toward sustained excellence in ministry: through rest, prayer, studying the word and fasting.

A Biblical Perspective on Sabbaticals

The word sabbatical is drawn from Sabbath. The Hebrew word for Sabbath means to “close or rest” and is connected with the last day of Creation when God rested. (Genesis 2:3) God both models and commands Sabbath rest for his people. “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8-11)

Jesus affirmed the importance of rest saying, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27-28) The Biblical example of Jesus’ own frequent withdrawal to a quiet place to meditate, pray and be renewed is a model. In His ministry, the constant demands of people led Jesus to step away on a regular basis.

See also: Genesis 1 and 2; Exodus 20:8-11, 23:10-12; Leviticus 25:1-7 (Sabbatical Year), 24:8-25 (Year of Jubilee); Psalm 23; and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.”

Why is a Sabbatical important?

  • Continual spiritual growth facilitated by periods of rest and renewal is vital toward being an effective minister.
  • Ministers’ responsibilities are not contained within normal office hours and regularly involve weekends.
  • Rapid changes in ministry demands can increase the likelihood of burnout without periods of rest and renewal.
    There are natural rhythms in the order God created that, even in a fallen world, are health-giving and spirit-enhancing. Failure to appreciate and connect to these rhythms propels us toward disease and ill-health. Acknowledging and coming into “sync” with these rhythms strengthens our resilience and creativity.
    There are many such rhythms. One of them is time off and away, of which Sabbath-keeping and sabbatical-taking are two manifestations. It is in the best interest of both minister and the ministry. (It’s similar to your two-weeks off from your job.) It is in support of the minister, sabbatical-taking, that we embrace and dedicate a period of time for Evangelist Waters to seek the face of God, rest and refresh herself.  She is a laborer in God’s Kingdom.   The motivation for sabbatical-taking is exclusively spiritual. It is simply health-giving and spirit-enhancing. It promotes wellness and wholeness spiritually. Therefore, all of Pure Gold Evangelistic Ministries team members are encouraged to take a sabbatical, including our Evangelist Waters, so everyone will be spiritually enriched to be a blessing in the lives of others, so the gospel can go forth throughout the word as Jesus commanded.
    Let’s pray for our Evangelist as she takes this spiritual sabbatical journey over the next several weeks.  We appreciate each of you that visit the prayer blog and bible study blog.  Continue your online bible studies and anticipate the upcoming bible studies and please continue your weekly dedication of praying for our nation’s leaders and local governments.
    May God bless you all.
    Pure Gold Evangelistic Ministries

Friday, April 29, 2016

Prayer Topic, "Bad To Good"

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 4/29/16 – 5/5/16



Bad To Good

Some say that we should thank God for all things – including broken legs, burning homes, or even war. Yet there’s a difference between thanking God for bad things and thanking God in bad things. God isn’t out to get you with all the negative events that happen in your life; instead, you can be assured that He can turn all bad circumstances for the good.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
I Thessalonians 5:18

Job was plagued by Satan after God had given the devil permission to afflict the man. Job did not blame God, but stayed faithful…and the Lord ultimately turned Job’s situation for the good (Job 42:10-17). Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt…but later he told them, “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” (Genesis 50:20) The apostle Paul underwent many physical trials…but he said, “When I am weak, then I am strong.” (II Corinthians 12:10)

Ask God to rise up in your problems. Trust Him to turn them around for the good. Thank Him amidst all your circumstances. Then intercede for the nation that God will use all of the turmoil that’s going on in the world to turn people toward Him.

Recommended Reading: Romans 8:26-39  Click to Read or Listen

C.P. - Your Prayer Team writing staff


Prayer Alert!

Deluge Hits Mississippi With “Worst Flooding Since Katrina”

Up to 10 inches of torrential rain drenched southern Mississippi in just a few hours Thursday morning, triggering flash floods that quickly swamped roads and homes and led to water rescues.

Emergency managers in Gulfport, Mississippi, say between five and 12 inches of rain fell during a thunderstorm, causing major street flooding and water to enter homes. One official called it the worst flooding the area has seen since Hurricane Katrina.

Biloxi and Gulfport were two of the cities hardest hit, according to the National Weather Service. Residents were told to stay home and all-terrain military vehicles were deployed to rescue stranded motorists and residents, according to the city of Biloxi.

On Friday, strong to severe thunderstorms and drenching rain are forecast for portions of Oklahoma, Texas, western Arkansas and northern Louisiana, the Storm Prediction Center said.

"The slow-moving nature of the storm system will also bring an elevated risk of flash flooding," according to AccuWeather meteorologist Edward Vallee.

In Mississippi Thursday, roads were closed across the region as both Gulfport and Biloxi were overwhelmed by the downpours.

Gulfport Mayor Billy Hewes called the storm an "unprecedented weather event" and declared a state of emergency for the town.  (Sources USA Today, CNBC, The Weather Channel)

As the Lord leads, please pray:

  • That God will keep the people in flood areas safe from harm
  • For first responders and utility crews dealing with the storm aftermath
  • For residents to take flood precautions and stay off the roads


Prayer Topics of Concern:

A massive replica of Noah’s ark could travel from the Netherlands to Brazil this year.

The United States has sent a pair of F-22 Raptors to southeastern Europe two weeks after Russian fighter jets buzzed an American warship in the Baltic Sea.

Human life begins in a bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing “fireworks” on film.

Lawsuits challenging changes to North Carolina's election law failed to show it hampered the ability of minority voters to exercise political power, a federal judge ruled Monday in dismissing the cases.

South Korea's president says North Korea has almost completed preparations to conduct a fifth nuclear test as the country has reportedly placed a new midrange missile on standby for an impending launch.

Liberty University will allow students with concealed handgun permits from the state to keep their weapons in their dorm rooms beginning next fall.

Former House speaker Dennis Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison Wednesday for a bank fraud case linked to allegations he sexually abused teen boys more than 30 years ago.

In a highly anticipated speech on the heels of his primary contest sweep across the Northeast on Tuesday, Donald Trump today called for a drastic shake-up in America’s foreign policy.

Ted Cruz is reportedly set to announce Carly Fiorina as his running mate should he win the Republican presidential nomination.

The Obama administration still isn’t vetting the social media profiles of all Syrian refugees despite promises made last year after the San Bernardino terrorist attack.

There will soon be more Muslims than Christians in Europe, according to Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens.

Campus officials at North Carolina State University repeatedly discriminated against and hindered a Christian student group as it reached out to peers about Jesus, according to a new lawsuit.

At least one pilot a month is caught trying to fly intoxicated, according to a new report from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) obtained by Fox News.


National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 5, 2016


Next Bible Study Begins: TBD


  Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the


 Speaking Engagements Page”.


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Friday, March 25, 2016

Prayer Topic, "Credentials"

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 3/25/16 – 3/31/16




Some may remember the show What’s My Line? The panel had a certain amount of time to ask questions of three contestants, two of whom were imposters and the other who actually was who he said he was. Today many ask, “Since there are many religions, how do we know which one is true?” Even after the panelists asked questions, they often guessed the wrong person. The one who was true had the credentials.

Sir, we remember how that impostor said, while he was still alive, “After three days I will rise.”
Matthew 27:63

In today’s verse, the religious leaders pointed out to Pilate that Jesus said He’d rise again, so Pilate told them to secure the body so His disciples couldn’t steal it and say He had risen. They didn’t count on angels showing up and Jesus actually rising from the dead as He said He would. He fulfilled hundreds of scriptures, healed the sick and raised the dead. He died for everyone’s sin, resurrected, and ascended to Heaven. His predictions are coming true. Jesus has the credentials.

Many in America are still serving imposters. Ask the Lord to open their eyes in these last days and bring a spiritual revival to this nation. Pray for America’s leaders and citizens this Easter season to put their trust in the One who is alive!

Recommended Reading: Matthew 16:13-20  Click to Read or Listen

C.P. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

The Obama Administration has spent three years engaged in secret talks with Iran that resulted in the payment of nearly $2 billion in taxpayer funds to the Islamic Republic, with more payouts likely in the future, according to a recent letter issued by the State Department and obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon.

No piece of modern legislation has spent as much time in the crosshairs of Supreme Court litigation as the Affordable Care Act, the 2010 health-care overhaul better known as ObamaCare.

President Obama affirmed on Wednesday he would “go after” the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, after his first apparent official confirmation on Tuesday that the U.S. believes the terrorist group was indeed behind the Brussels attacks that left at least 34 dead.

President Barack Obama met Argentina’s new center-right leader Mauricio Marci on Wednesday on a visit to reset diplomatic relations and strengthen trade ties after years of tension between the two countries.

The party front-runners – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – each won in Arizona; Ted Cruz won Utah, and Bernie Sanders took both Utah and the Idaho caucuses.

Next Bible Study Begins: TBD


  Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the


 Speaking Engagements Page”.


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Friday, March 18, 2016

Prayer Topic, "Pit Stop"

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 3/18/16 – 3/24/16




Pit Stop

In 2006, Mark Batterson published the book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. The book’s title is taken from an obscure passage in the Bible (II Samuel 23:20-21) where Benaiah, considered one of David’s mighty men, chases a lion into a pit and kills him. The theme of Batterson’s book is that perhaps your biggest problem, failure or fear is really your greatest opportunity.

They flung me alive into the pit and cast stones on me.
Lamentations 3:53

In today’s verse, the writer says he’s been hunted and thrown into a pit by his enemies. Although he felt all was lost, he still called on the name of the Lord. He was allowed that privilege, as every child of God is, because the Lord is faithful.

Perhaps you feel “in the pits” today. Whether you are there accidentally, as a consequence of your own actions, or because you charged into it head first, God knows you are there. Call to Him in prayer. Though all may seem hopeless, God can use your worst circumstances for His greatest glory. Pray also for His great faithfulness to be known to the nation’s citizens and leaders.

Recommended Reading: Genesis 37:18-28  Click to Read or Listen

A.W. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

The Islamic State is committing genocide against Yazidis, Christians and Shi’ite Muslims in Iraq and Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry declared on Thursday, a historic announcement that nonetheless is unlikely to spur greater U.S. military action against the terrorist network.

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Governor of Michigan faced calls to resign from angry lawmakers Thursday, as a congressional oversight committee bore in on which level of government was most responsible for the contamination of Flint’s water supply.

 Iran’s detention and treatment of 10 U.S. sailors earlier this year was inconsistent with international law, Defense Secretary Ash Carton said Thursday.

Warning that lives are at stake, a federal commission that spent two years examining abuse and neglect is urging Congress and the White House to strengthen protections for drug-affected newborns.

After months squaring off against Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, presuming him to be the chief obstacle to a one-on-one showdown with Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz emerged from the latest primaries with a new foe who was actually there all along, Governor John Kasich of Ohio.

With some polling results yet to come in, the major news services have projected that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each took three states in Tuesday’s primaries

Hackers using tactics and tools previously associated with Chinese government-supported computer network intrusions have joined the booming cybercrime industry of ransomware, four security firms that investigated attacks on U.S. companies said.

Todd Palin suffered eight fractured ribs and other injuries in his snowmobile crash that prompted his wife Sarah Palin to cut short her Florida trip campaigning for Donald Trump.

Three police officers were wounded Monday night in an exchange of gunfire that left their assailant dead. All three officers, who are department veterans assigned to a tactical unit, are expected to survive.

The House of Representatives did not even blink when voting on Rep. Jeff Fortenberry’s legislation to label ISIS’ planned extermination of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East a genocide.

Next Bible Study Begins: TBD


  Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the


 Speaking Engagements Page”.


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Friday, February 26, 2016

Prayer Topic, "Rainbow Promise" and "The Executive Branch"

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 2/26/16 – 3/3/16



Rainbow Promise

Tyler Perry, an American actor, producer and director, was spending time in prayer with the Lord on New Year’s Day. Then Perry looked up and saw a rainbow in the sky, reminding him of God’s promise to Noah in Genesis 9:13. He took a photo and posted it online. “I had just finished praying and thanking God for all that He had done for me over all these years. I was so full as I came out of the room,” Perry said. “I was thanking Him and praying for a great 2016, and then I saw this right off the balcony!”

To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens!
Psalm 123:1

God made a covenant with Noah in which He promised deliverance. He placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign that the Earth will never again be destroyed by a global deluge. The Hebrew word “rainbow” can also refer to an archer’s bow; therefore, one Bible commentator said it could represent God pointing a war bow at Himself, forever reminding you that He’d rather perish than break His promises to you.

Thank your Heavenly Father for the hope you have, based on His incredible love for you. Pray also that America’s citizens and its leaders will embrace God’s promised deliverance for their lives.

Recommended Reading: Genesis 9:8-17  Click to Read or Listen

H.L.M. - Your Prayer Team writing staff




Executive Branch

As it relates to the checks and balances of our American government, the Executive Branch is responsible for the daily administration of the state bureaucracy. The head of the Executive Branch is the President of the United States. Underneath the President are the several Departments that have been created by Executive Order. The Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice are just a few examples of these subgroups within the Executive Branch. The representative leaders of these departments are collectively known as the President’s “Cabinet” of advisors.

Since the Executive Branch of our government is in charge of administrating the affairs of the nation, it is important to keep them in our prayers. The Executive Branch directs the general political flow of the federal government.

Featured Member of the Executive Branch for Prayer

PrayFocusExecutiveMegan Brennan, United States Postmaster General

Megan Brennan was born in 1961 in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. She attended Nativity BVM High School. She earned a B.A. in History from Immaculata College outside Philadelphia, and earned an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

She began with the Postal Service as a letter carrier, and subsequently worked her way up the ladder as a delivery and collection supervisor, processing plant manager, and a district manager. She stepped away from the Postal Service for her study as a Sloan Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she earned her MBA. Returning, she was a manager of field support and integration, manager of operations support, and was named vice president for the Northeast Area.

Ever working the ranks at the Postal Service, Brenan was named chief operating officer and executive vice president of the Postal Service, following a time as vice president of Eastern Area Operations, putting her in charge of postal operations in all or part of nine states. She assumed the office of Postmaster General in February 2015 – the first woman to hold that position.

IN THE NEWS: During a conference call with reporters, U.S. Postal Service executives accentuated the negative and played down the positive despite showing a net profit in the last quarter. “We do face some strong headwinds,” Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer Megan J. Brennan said. “Our financial situation is serious but solvable. That’s the reality of the balance sheet.” The favorable net income was “essentially due to” a drop in workers’ compensation expenses relating to prevailing interest rates, and it doesn’t mean the Postal Service no longer loses money. The “good news” about postal finances is consistent with – and reinforces – the emerging consensus among key lawmakers, the Postal Service, postal unions, businesses, mailers and industry groups to move forward with practical reform that all stakeholders can buy into, said the president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, who credited his people with “impressive performance.”



Executive Branch Prayer Needs


President Barack Obama’s top military and intelligence advisers, convinced Russia won’t abide by a cease-fire in Syria, are pushing for ways to increase pressure on Moscow, expanding covert military assistance to some rebels.

“I do not believe in regulation for regulation’s sake,” President Obama said. “This idea that somehow I get a kick out of big government is just not the case,” he told the National Governors Association.

Pray for President Obama and his decisions regarding foreign and domestic issues.

The Presidents Cabinet

The President’s Cabinet

The United States Cabinet (usually referred to as the President’s Cabinet or simplified as the Cabinet) is composed of the most senior appointed officers of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States. Its existence dates back to the first American President, George Washington, who appointed a Cabinet of four people (Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson; Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War Henry Knox; and Attorney General Edmund Randolph) to advise and assist him in his duties. Cabinet officers are nominated by the President and then presented to the United States Senate for confirmation or rejection by a simple majority. If approved, they are sworn in and begin their duties. Aside from the Attorney General, and previously, the Postmaster General, they all receive the title Secretary. Members of the Cabinet serve at the request of the President.

We encourage you to pray for these leaders by name.

The President And His Cabinet President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States and is the highest political official in the United States by influence and recognition. The President leads the executive branch of the federal government and is one of only two nationally elected federal officers (the other being the Vice President of the United States).

Among other powers and responsibilities, Article II of the U.S. Constitution charges the President to “faithfully execute” federal law, makes the President commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces, allows the President to nominate executive and judicial officers with the advice and consent of the Senate, and allows the President to grant pardons and reprieves.

The President is indirectly elected by the people through the Electoral College to a four-year term. Since 1951, presidents have been limited to two terms by the Twenty-second Amendment. Forty-three individuals have been elected or succeeded to the office, serving a total of fifty-six four-year terms. On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama became the forty-fourth, and current, president.

In order of succession to the Presidency:


Vice President
Joseph Biden


Speaker of the House of Representatives
John Boehner


President pro tempore of the Senate
Patrick Leahy


Secretary of State
John Kerry


Secretary of the Treasury
Jacob Lew


Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel


Attorney General
Eric H. Holder, Jr.


Secretary of the Interior
Sally Jewell


Secretary of Agriculture
Thomas Vilsack


Secretary of Commerce
Penny Pritzker


Secretary of Labor
Tom Perez


Secretary of Health & Human Services
Kathleen Sebelius


Secretary of Housing & Urban Development
Shaun Donovan


Secretary of Transportation
Anthony Foxx


Secretary of Energy
Ernest J Moritz


Secretary of Education
Arne Duncan


Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Eric Shinseki


Secretary of Homeland Security
Jeh Johnson

Council of Economic Advisers – Jason Furman

EPA – Gina McCarthy

OMB – Sylvia Mathews Burwell

US Trade Rep – Michael Froman

US Ambassador to UN – Samantha Power

Chief of Staff – Denis McDonough

The storm system that brought deadly tornadoes to Mississippi and Louisiana is prompting watches and warnings Wednesday from South Carolina to New Jersey.   

Senators are close to an agreement on aid to address the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, Senator James Inhofe (Oklahoma) confirmed Wednesday.

Secretary of State John Kerry is making the rounds on Capitol Hill this week to sell the President’s foreign aid budget for fiscal year 2017.

Despite staunch opposition from some lawmakers, Congress could soon change course and end America’s  56-year- embargo on Cuba, the Republican head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee predicted on Wednesday.

Iran’s leader said that he was confident voters would return a parliament prepared to stand up to the United States at Friday’s election, and prove that the lifting of sanctions on the Islamic Republic had not changed his anti-Western stance.   

Next Bible Study Topic and Date: TBD


  Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the


 Speaking Engagements Page”.


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