Friday, March 28, 2014

Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 3/28/14 - 4/3/14

Pray for our nation



A Convincing Witness

He gave you a book more valuable than any other…one that speaks to every condition of human life. It can cheer your heart, inspire you with hope, comfort you in times of affliction, convict you of sin, assure you of salvation, and prompt you to recall lessons learned in order to meet challenges in the future.

I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.
Psalms 71:18

It is God’s Word – revealing His character and love for you. Psalm 71 speaks specifically to those advancing in years and experiencing the infirmities of age. But it also teaches you even if you aren’t in that stage of life. Its lesson is that if you live your life as a disciple of Christ, you can have close fellowship with the Lord. He knew you before you were born, and He will continue to be your rock, your fortress and your refuge (Psalm 71:1-3, 5-6).

As Bible commentator W. Graham Scroggins wrote, “Despondency need not go with decrepitude…a many-wintered saint should be a convincing witness for God.” Proclaim God’s goodness to this generation and the next as He works through your experiences of life. Then pray for this nation and its leaders that they may value the Bible and live by it.

Recommended Reading: Psalm 71:17-24 

J.K. - Your Prayer Team writing staff


Morality in America
“Fixing” God’s Creation(Intercessors we have a lot to pray about)
“Fixing” God’s Creation
FDA considers fertilization of “three-person embryos

by Nikolas Grosfield

Chapter two may be the most horrifying section of Aldous Huxley’s haunting novel Brave New World. Eight-month-old babies are put in nurseries called “Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Rooms,” where they are tortured every time they try to play with nice things like flowers and books. The goal of their oppressors is to manipulate them into becoming the common, robotic, economic creatures the “World State” wants them to be.

Last month the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a two-day hearing on possibly letting researchers test a new procedure on pregnant women with mitochondrial disorders. Researchers, including Shoukhrat Mitalipov of the Oregon Health and Science University, want to replace the mother’s defective mitochondrial DNA with healthy mitochondrial DNA from donors.

Mitochondrial DNA is not responsible for traits such as height or color of hair, eyes, and skin. It does, however, help to energize cells and can carry inheritable pathogens that lead to some forms of blindness, organ failure, diabetes, or even cancer. Children inherit these 37 genes—healthy or not—from their mother only, not their father. Both parents contribute to the 20,000 plus genes of chromosomal DNA, which host the building blocks of a person’s genetic code—nucleus DNA—and which the proposed practice is supposed to avoid.
Executive Prayer Focus
Susan Rice

Susan Rice, National Security Advisor

The White House says that National Security Advisor Susan Rice will visit Israel in May as head of a U.S. delegation consulting on a range of issues involving the two countries.
Legislative Prayer Focus
Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi, U.S. House of Representatives for California

CIA Director John Brennan may have treaded onto shaky ground with yet another important congressional defender of his: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (California), who called the spy Agency‘s snooping scandal "appalling" and Brennan‘s remarks "befuddling."
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
General Joseph Dunford

General Joseph Dunford, USMC, Commander of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan gave a clear vote of confidence late last week for Afghanistan’s national security forces, but he noted that an enduring mission will be necessary beyond this year. Marine Corps Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., Commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, testified before the House Armed Services Committee on progress in Afghanistan.
Judicial Prayer Focus
Susan Rice, National

Judge Sohail Mohammed, Superior Court of the State of New Jersey

In what is being described as a landmark ruling and a hit to the rights of fathers, a New Jersey judge has decided that an expectant mother is not obligated to tell the putative father of her child when she goes into labor, and she can also block him from being in the delivery room.
Inside Washington
New World Education
Inside Washington
Homeschooling family granted last minute asylum

by Carol Hatcher

In 1620, after escaping the Church of England, around one hundred people boarded the Mayflower and set sail for the “new world.” The story of these Separatists, later known as Pilgrims, is familiar to almost every school-aged child in America.

Fast-forward almost four hundred years. After the threat of losing custody of their six children, the German homeschooling Romeike family made a similar pilgrimage. They sought asylum in the land of the free. But getting here was only half the battle, staying here proved to be more difficult.

The Obama administration opposed the original court decision in 2010 granting asylum to the family. Why? To obtain asylum state, the Romeikes first had to prove they were being persecuted, and that the persecution was based on one of the grounds listed in the asylum statute – which in this case was religious persecution. But the Department of Justice didn’t agree the criteria were met .
Calling America’s Leaders
Should women be political or military bosses?

by Diann Noles

Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was recently asked if it was biblical for a woman to be a political or military leader.

“I‘m not sure we can give a definitive answer in terms of women serving in economic leadership, in cultural leadership or in political leadership... But the answer is not necessarily ‘no,’” Mohler told listeners on his podcast, Ask Anything: Weekend Edition. “Women in the Scripture have had very important responsibilities. In general, men need to grow up and take responsibility and fill these arenas with as much leadership as possible. But that doesn‘t mean that there‘s never a time for women to lead.”

But, what does the Bible say about women in political leadership?

Genesis 1:26 – 2:23 records the creation of Adam and Eve and their authority over all living creatures. Adam was created first out of the dust of the earth (Gen. 2:7) and was placed in the Garden of Eden “…to work it and take care of it. The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” (Gen 2:15, 18) Eve was created next from Adam’s rib. In fulfilling his responsibility to name her, Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man.” (Gen. 2:19-23) In these passages it seems pretty clear that Adam—the man—was given the leadership responsibility over Eve—the woman.

Pray for President Obama & Administration

Environmental groups called on President Obama to reject pending applications to build liquefied natural gas export terminals, citing the negative impacts from natural gas throughout its life cycle.

The White House has called for a meeting of the G-7 over Russia’s annexation of Crimea, even as President Obama has placed Russia alongside the world’s most notorious regimes, such as North Korea, Iran and Syria.
Pray for wisdom for President Obama and his aides as they deal with foreign, domestic and economic matters.
Congressional Prayer Needs

More than two-thirds of the Senate and more than 400 House members promised to pursue “dramatic sanctions” against Iran if it continues its nuclear program, according to a letter sent to President Obama.

Representative Brad Sherman (California) said President Obama needs to “do more” to get the Palestinians to agree to recognize Israel as a Jewish state rather than making the matter up for negotiation as Secretary Kerry said.
Pray for members of Congress as they return on Monday from a spring recess.
Judicial Prayer Focus

In oral arguments next week, the Supreme Court will debate whether business corporations have religious liberty as the Hobby Lobby opposition to ObamaCare’s contraception policies will come before the Justices.

At its conference on March 21, the Supreme Court will consider petitions for review of issues such as qualified immunity from Fourth Amendment and the opposition of a wedding photographer to employment in a gay marriage.
Pray for the Supreme Court Justices as they consider matters impacting the social and moral values of our nation.
Pray for Current Events
The families of three Navy SEALs who were killed in a 2011 helicopter crash in Afghanistan have filed suit against Afghan President Hamid Karzai claiming Afghan forces informed the Taliban about their mission beforehand.

The U.S. military may have another option to returning $7 billion worth of machines and equipment from Afghanistan by driving it across the border and handing it over to Pakistan’s military rather than pay for shipping or disposal.
Pray for the safety of the U.S. military in Afghanistan as actions continue in the withdrawal draw-down.
Crimea’s self-defense (Russian) forces on Wednesday stormed the Ukrainian naval base in the Black Sea port of Sevastopol a day after Russia signed a treaty with local authorities to annex the region.

U.S. and German representatives at the UN drew attention to the plight of American pastor Saeed Abedini saying his fundamental human rights are being violated as he remains imprisoned, ill, and tortured in Iran.
Pray for the Iranians to find mercy and release Pastor Saeed Abedini, and for the people of Ukraine and Crimea.
U.S. chief executive officers are moderately more positive about the economy, including plans for hiring and capital spending over the next six months, although they expect only tepid economic growth this year.

Consumer inflation was muted in February and housing starts fell for a third straight month, but the weak data did not dissuade the Federal Reserve from dialing back its monetary stimulus.
Pray for improvement in the American economy and particularly in the jobs market.
The Palestinians will resume their campaign for international recognition at the United Nations if Israel calls off a planned release of some 104 long-serving Palestinian prisoners under a U.S.-brokered agreement.

Israel’s Defense Minister issued a scathing critique of the Obama Administration, declaring that Israel cannot rely on the thwart Iran’s nuclear program, saying “in the Persian bazaar, the Iranians were better” than the U.S.
Pray about the potential for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians including Jewish state recognition.
Alzheimer’s disease is a U.S. health crisis, affecting more than 5 million adults, and new figures show that 1 in 6 American women over 65 are estimated to develop the brain disease, twice as many as breast cancer.

Sign-ups for ObamaCare insurance are accelerating as the March 31 deadline nears, with marketplace estimates now above 5 million, although no figures have been released on how many paid subscriptions are in place.
Pray about America’s public health issues, and about the March 31 deadline for the insurance sign-ups.
Prayer University
Dr. No PC
Prayer 101
Conservatives support speaker’s rejection of political correctness
by Gigi Cook
What do the well-known historical figure Benjamin Franklin and a not so well known conservative neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben Carson, have in common? They are both on the record and adamant about the freedom to speak one’s mind on a public platform.
In a 1789 letter to Jean Baptiste Le Roy, Franklin said whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech. Earlier this month, at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland, Dr. Ben Carson boldly said “[The] American people are too afraid, in this time of political correctness, to stand up and speak for what they believe.”
The Bright Spot
Army Ranger Hargis
The Bright Spot
Congratulations, Josh Hargis
Many remember the “salute seen around the world,” when Army Ranger Josh Hargis, wounded in Afghanistan, and thought to be unconscious when he was given a Purple Heart, saluted from his hospital bed.

Hargis, then 24, was on his second tour of duty when he lost both of his legs in an explosion while his unit, the Third Ranger Battalion, was searching a building for a target. Four of his fellow soldiers died in the attack. “A man came out, lifted up his shirt to show that he had no IEDs, and then a woman came out and she carried the suicide bomb,” according to Hargis’ father. Things only got worse after that. A short time later, as Ranger Hargis, perceived to be unconscious and lying in his hospital bed, was presented his Purple Heart medal surrounded by about 30 people in a hospital room in Germany, when he started to raise his arm in salute.

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all  to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.


1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


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