Friday, November 8, 2013

Prayer for our Nation, its Leaders and Topics of Concern for 11/8/13 - 11/14/13

Morality in America
A Clear And Present Danger

 Is military fight a supernatural battle?

by Diane Markins

Does including the phrase, “So help me God” to an oath add value or impact? The United States Air Force Academy believed so in 1984 when it changed the candidate oath to include these words. But now they are removing the same words because of a complaint by the Military for Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).

Only a year ago, the Latin word for “God” was removed from the logo of an Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office. The word was removed after objections by the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers.

Is religion in the U.S. military under attack from “friendly fire?” Undermining and demeaning Christian faith in the armed forces is expected to come from Jihadists, but it seems that there is a domestic battle being waged as well.

Executive Prayer Focus

Gina McCarthy, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency

Nearly 170 lawmakers are calling on the Environmental Protection Agency’s Administrator, Gina McCarthy, to lower the requirements that the oil and gas industry must meet for fuel blends.

Legislative Prayer Focus

Chris Van Hollen, United States Representative for Maryland

Congressional budget negotiators are being urged to agree on a 2014 spending level by November 22 – even if they have not yet figured out how to achieve any required savings. Identifying a cap on discretionary spending seems to be a top priority as talks to reduce automatic “sequester” spending cuts began last week.
Armed Forces Prayer Focus

Joe Sarcinella, Department of Defense Senior Advisor for Native American Affairs

The Defense Department will celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of Native Americans and Alaska natives during November in observance of Native American Heritage Month. November was designated such as month by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. In a joint interview with American Forces Press Service and the Pentagon Channel, Joe Sarcinella, DOD‘s senior advisor and liaison for Native American Affairs, discussed the department‘s efforts to recognize Native Americans and their contributions to the country dating back to Revolutionary War.
Judicial Prayer Focus

Judge Janice Rogers Brown, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit

A federal appeals court struck down the birth control mandate in ObamaCare, concluding the requirement restrains religious freedom. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals — the second most influential bench in the land behind the Supreme Court — ruled 2-1 in favor of business owners who are fighting the requirement that they provide their employees with health insurance that covers birth control.
Inside Washington
Compassion with Calculation

What would Jesus do about immigration?

by Jim Ray

The merchant steamship Sirio, loaded with emigrants seeking a new life in Argentina, would never make its port of call. The vessel wrecked on a reef off the coast of Spain in 1906 almost as soon as the voyage began. Chaos erupted as men, women and children were flung into the water. Nearby fisherman brought their trawlers alongside the sinking ship, but some were quickly overloaded and capsized. At least 150 people died, including some of the rescuers who – in their zeal to help – instead shared the fate of those they came to save.

The long-forgotten Sirio tragedy in some ways illustrates America’s immigration problem. Helping those who seek a better life is a worthy objective, but the rescue operation is fraught with risk. Last week in Washington, D.C., 600 conservative leaders gathered to take their message of immigration reform to Congress, which is expected to address the issue soon. But is there any hope that lawmakers on Capitol Hill can get this rescue right?

The event, “Americans for Reform: Immigration Reform for our Economy, Faith and Security,” was designed to encourage Congressional leaders to fix the longstanding problems associated with immigration. Participating were various groups representing American business, law enforcement and religion. The chief hurdle in Washington has long been the issue of the “pathway to citizenship” for those already here illegally, which by definition is a form of “amnesty,” although that term now has dark, political connotations.
Hollywood Pursues Christian Audience

 Filmmakers turn to evangelicals to increase profits

by Bill Noles Jr.

Is Hollywood taking notice of Christian audiences – and their wallets? According to an annual study conducted by the Christian-focused entertainment advocacy group Movieguide, American audiences prefer movies with strong conservative content and values over movies with liberal or left-leaning values by an almost six-to-one margin.

“People want good to overcome evil, justice to prevail over injustice and liberty to conquer tyranny. They respond to strong heroes and even strong heroines, but they are turned off by radical social engineering and big government programs,” Movieguide publisher Dr. Ted Baehr said of the report, which rates movies using several criteria such as “anti-communist content,” “strong biblical morality,” and “strong pro-capitalist content.”

“Every studio now has a Christian film division, and several studios are doing major movies with strong Christian content,” Baehr told Fox News last year. “And now all of the major studios, not just Disney, are making movies for young children and families.”
Pray for President Obama & Administration

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough asked leading national health insurers to help quell the growing furor over cancellations of insurance plans under ObamaCare by featuring new available options to consumers.

Secretary of State John Kerry praised the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia as strategic and enduring in a meeting this week with Saudi King Abdullah, and he sought to soothe disagreements over U.S. policies toward Iran.
Pray for integrity and wisdom for President Obama and his Administration over both domestic and foreign issues.
Congressional Prayer Needs

Senator Debbie Stabenow said the top four farm bill negotiators are meeting this week and she is hopeful for a deal by Thanksgiving. The most contentious issue they face is the food stamp program, its costs and too-rapid growth.

Senator Kristen Gillibrand placed a hold on President Obama’s nominee to be Undersecretary of the Navy, Jo Ann Rooney, over Rooney’s comments on keeping military sexual assault cases in the realm of the commanders.
Pray about the work of the Congress as they enter the stalls of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving recess periods.
Judicial Prayer Focus

Oral arguments on a challenge to prayers at a New York town council’s meetings heard Wednesday is the Supreme Court’s latest attempt to find the appropriate role for religion in government.

The Supreme Court reversed course and declined to review a case involving the abortion-inducing drug RU-48 and the State of Oklahoma, saying the law banning use of the drug might effectively halt drug-induced abortions.
Pray for wisdom for the Supreme Court as they rule on cases that are at the heart of America’s values.
Pray for Current Events
As the U.S. combat role in Afghanistan comes to an end in 2014, some Pentagon advisors are increasingly convinced that any plausible deal ending America’s longest war must involve legal recognition of the Taliban.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the U.S. must effectively use all instruments of power, not just military might, to successfully lead the world after being drained physically and financially by a dozen years of war.
Pray for our leaders in the Pentagon charged with the defense, protection and security of the United States.
A court in Egypt upheld an earlier ruling that banned the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered its assets confiscated. The trial of the defiant ousted President Mohammed Morsi was rescheduled for January 8. He could face the death penalty.

Talks have begun in Switzerland between the UN-Arab League envoy and U.S. and Russian diplomats to try to pave the way for a Syria peace summit, with the greatest barrier being who is entitled to represent whom in the conflict.
Pray about the U.S. foreign policies toward Egypt, Syria, and opposition groups involved in both nations.
Planned layoffs by U.S. employers jumped 13.5 percent last month, led by cutbacks at pharmaceutical and financial services firms, and economists predict the unemployment rate will jump higher for October.

Prices at the gas pump are at the lowest level of the year, with a national average of $3.24 a gallon. About 35 states have reported some sales below the $3 level, and predictions are that the price may tick lower for the holidays.
Pray about America’s still-struggling economy and the numerous factors that weigh on family budgets.
American pastor Saeed Abedini was abruptly transferred from Evin Prison in Tehran to another prison notorious for housing violent criminals, putting him in even more danger from others and his own deteriorating health.

Israel’s negotiating team in peace talks with the Palestinians are reportedly facing an internal disagreement over the division of Jerusalem, with some suggesting parts of East Jerusalem could be ceded to the Palestinian Authority.
Pray for Pastor Abedini and other Christians throughout the Middle East suffering persecution, prison and death.
Eighty percent of drugs prescribed to Americans are generic and many of them are made in India. Drug-maker Ranbaxy, producer of generic Lipitor, has been charged by the FDA with a long-term failure to meet standards.

About 17 percent of Americans without health insurance actually tried last month to make application over the troubled ObamaCare website, with fewer than 20 percent of those actually finding success in the “marketplace.”
Pray about the troubled roll-out of the ObamaCare program, and America’s frustrations and non-acceptance.
The Bright Spot
We Honor America’s Veterans

Veterans Day is an official United States holiday which honors people who have served in armed service also known as veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, which are celebrated in other parts of the world and also mark the anniversary of the end of World War I. (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect.)

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving.
Prayer University
When God Says “No”

 Accepting the answers to your prayer requests
by Carol Hatcher

Gail watched her son dart across the hall into the playroom. Curious, she headed to see why her six-year-old was being so secretive. He crouched in the corner, hands behind his back. When she questioned him, her little boy just shrugged his shoulders and clamped his mouth tight.

Gail knelt beside him, and her son opened his mouth, revealing half chewed cookies. Perched on each finger of one hand was a butter cookie – five in all. “Why did you take the cookies?” Gail wanted to know. Earlier, when he asked for the cookies, she was clear and firm in her answer – “No!”

Unknown to her son, Gail had brownies in the oven. She was making him a special snack. But special snacks take time. His mother had to gather the ingredients, mix them together and allow them to bake.
When you have requests for God, sometimes His answer is “no,” too. As hard as it is to understand, you must learn to accept His reply.
So how should you handle the answer when God says “no” to your prayers?

1) When God says no, trust Him.
“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way.” (Psalm 37:23)
When you delight in God and seek Him, He will direct your path. You must trust your Heavenly Father knows what is best. While saying, “I trust God” is easy and rolls off the tongue, actually believing it is a whole other matter. By truly trusting in God, you are saying you believe He is capable, and that:
  • He is qualified to handle your finances
  • He is adept at resolving family disputes
  • He is equipped to breathe life into your marriage
  • He is skilled at healing your body
  • He is able to repair this nation
2) God looks at the bigger picture.
While eating one cookie right now may not seem like a big deal, sometimes God says “no” because He knows the plan for brownies in the future. He is omniscient.
David wanted to build a temple for the Lord. He loved God and wanted to do a good thing. Right? While his intentions were good, God said “no.” God knew Solomon would build His temple. God told David, “I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” (2 Samuel 7:12-13)
When God said no to David building the temple, He had a bigger plan. After saying no, He promised David’s family would always stay on the throne, and that was fulfilled through Jesus, who was in the lineage of King David.

3) Keep on praying.
Don’t let discouragement stop you when you hear a “no” from God. Continue to pray. Sometimes a “no” just means “not now.” God sent the prophet Isaiah to King Hezekiah to tell him to get the affairs of his house in order because he was going to die. Can you imagine?
But Hezekiah began praying, pleading with God to spare his life. Before Isaiah could even get out of the courtyard, God sent him back with another message. “I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you.” (2 Kings 20:5) Hezekiah lived another fifteen years.
Does God always bring healing with earnest prayers? No. But don’t let that stop you from praying them. In crying out to the Lord, you are saying, “God, I know you are capable of doing this if it’s in Your will.”
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Can you identify with the cookie thief? Perhaps God hasn’t given the answer you wanted and instead of trusting, you made things happen through your own hands. Gail’s son didn’t get brownies that day for his snack. Instead, he chose store bought cookies, not knowing his mother was preparing something better.
Know that in all things God is in control. Trust in His perfect plan, and keep on praying. Don’t give up when He says “no.” Perhaps there are brownies in the oven. 

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all  to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.
 1 Timothy 2:1-3
  King James Version (KJV)
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
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