Friday, February 28, 2014

Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 2/28/14 - 3/6/14

Prayer  Request for Our Nation



Place of Great Pleasure

If you like to golf, it doesn’t take much urging from a fellow golfer to get you out on the course. Insert your favorite activity; if there’s an invitation, you’re there. So why does the Psalmist have to ask the Lord to lead him where he delights to go? George Robinson knew the answer as he composed the words to a hymn, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it / Prone to leave the God I love / Here’s my heart, O, take and seal it / Seal it for Thy courts above.” He knew his own heart.

Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.
Psalm 119:35

Do you know yours? “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick [wicked].” (Jeremiah 17:9) There is one word that should characterize your life – yield. To yield yourself to God is to have Him lead you in the right path…the path of obedience. There is no place of greater pleasure or joy than to be obedient.

Cease your struggles. Quit trying to run your own life. Yield to the One who can be your guide through every storm. Then intercede for America’s leaders, that they may come to know the God of wisdom and believe.

Recommended Reading: Psalm 119:33-40

Speaking primarily of laws banning same-sex marriage, Attorney General Eric Holder says states’ attorneys general are not obligated to defend laws if they consider them discriminatory.

Struggling to reach a deal to form a new majority coalition in Parliament, and under excruciating pressure because of a looming economic disaster, the Ukrainian lawmakers temporarily running the country on Tuesday delayed until Thursday the naming of an acting prime minister and a provisional government.

President Obama on Tuesday unveiled two new "manufacturing innovation institutes," public-private partnerships established through executive authority.

A new blast of arctic air is driving across the northern United States, and adding to the cold weather problems are ice jams.

President Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner sat across from each other for an hour on Tuesday in the leather-bound chairs of Mr. Obama’s office and quickly ticked through a remarkably long list of issues.

The people who want to run the state government certainly care a lot about making sure Texas has enough water, about handling transportation issues, and about solving the latest version of the persistent school finance riddle.

Our next bible study will begin March 4, 2014


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