Friday, April 25, 2014

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 4/25/14 - 5/1/14

Pray for our Nation



Go Fish

There was a television account of a man who caught the biggest fish in American history. A school for fishermen invited him to teach others how to catch fish like that. He soon was writing books on how to fish and even appearing on late night talk shows, until he had no time for fishing anymore. Unlike the man who fishes for fun, the one who fishes for his dinner takes his task much more seriously – selecting the right bait, properly preparing his equipment, observing the motion of the water, and patiently waiting for the hook to set.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19

Jesus still calls His people to be “fishers of men.” Your instruction book – the Bible – is there; you are properly equipped through a close walk with the Lord and through prayer; and then you watch for the opportunities and boldly share with others. Once “caught,” you are ready to disciple that person, teaching him or her to fish also!

Be ready always to witness to the hope that you have in Christ (I Peter 3:15) and pray that you will be a reliable fisher of men. Pray for those in Congress to do likewise.

Recommended Reading: Matthew 4:18-25  


Prayer Request Topics: 

South Korean authorities said Tuesday that its neighbors to the north have stepped up activity at its primary nuclear testing site and could be preparing to conduct a fourth underground test.

President Barack Obama is preparing to make much broader use of his power to grant commutations to non-violent drug convicts who have served long sentences, Attorney General Eric Holder said.

President Obama departed Tuesday for a week-long, four-nation tour of Asia, where he and his top aides will be less focused on any big policy announcements than on reassuring jittery allies that America remains committed to bolstering its security and economic ties to the region.

Vice President Joe Biden on Monday launched a high-profile visit to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to Ukraine and push for urgent implementation of an international agreement aimed at de-escalating tensions even as violence continues.

America is no longer a democracy - never mind the democratic-republic envision by Founding Fathers.

At least 30 suspected al Qaeda militants were killed in air strikes on Sunday in Yemen, according to multiple reports.

Join our 60-day Bible Reading Challenge, designed to help you read the word daily and cover readings throughout the entire bible in 60 days.  This challenge will spiritually enhance your walk with God. 

Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the “Speaking Engagements Page”.

Join us on July 1, 2014

For our next Bible Study

“The Baptism of the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit”


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