Friday, June 27, 2014

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 6/27/14 - 7/3/14

  Pray for our Nation     
Morality in America
Censored Speech
Censored Speech

Are universities intolerant of conservative opinions?

by Diann Noles

Are America’s universities still a place of thoughtful debate, where even opposing ideas are thoroughly examined and discussed? Or, have they become hotbeds of intolerance and small-mindedness – today’s version of McCarthyism?

The latter is what many – including former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg – fear is happening. In his recent commencement speech at Harvard University, Bloomberg warned that the current ultra-liberal climate is detrimental to America’s educational future. At universities across America, “The forces of repression appear to be stronger now than they have been since the 1950s,” Bloomberg said. “You have to wonder whether students are being exposed to the diversity of views that a university should offer.”

Telling students not to “major in intolerance,” Bloomberg compared the academic climate to that of Washington, D.C. politics where the extreme difference in ideology between liberals and conservatives is causing gridlock on many different issues. “Today, on many campuses, it is liberals trying to repress conservative ideas, even as conservative faculty members are at risk of becoming an endangered species,” Bloomberg said. He referenced a number of high-profile conservative speakers – including former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice – who either were forced to withdraw from commencement speaking engagements, or were uninvited. “In each case, liberals silenced a voice and denied an honorary degree to individuals they deemed politically objectionable,” Bloomberg said.    
Executive Prayer Focus
Josh Earnest

Josh Earnest, White House Press Secretary

Josh Earnest comes to the job of White House Press Secretary with a reputation for Midwestern affability and a style of relating to the media that’s more honey and less vinegar. Earnest officially becomes White House PressSsecretary this week after several years as the Chief Deputy, but he planned to take over the daily briefing – the most prominent and high-stakes part of the job – last Friday. 
Legislative Prayer Focus
Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy, U.S. Representative for California

House Republicans reshaped their leadership team last week, promoting Representative Kevin McCarthy of California to Majority Leader, following the surprise primary defeat of Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia. The party picked conservative Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana to replace McCarthy as Majority Whip and complete the shake-up resulting from Cantor’s defeat. 
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
Major General Garrett Harencak

Major General Garrett Harencak, USAF, Assistant Chief of Staff

A senior Air Force general made an appeal Tuesday for building a new long-range strategic bomber that he said is urgently needed to replace the aging bomber fleet. “We need to actually have an unemotional debate about what’s going on and how we need to modernize, and how we need to protect America from its only existential threat,” Maj. Gen. Garrett Harencak said during a defense industry breakfast on Capitol Hill. 
Judicial Prayer Focus
Josh Earnest, White Ho

Justice Antonin Scalia, United States Supreme Court

The Supreme Court delivered a setback to the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday, placing limits on the sole Obama administration program already in place to deal with power plant and factory emissions of gases blamed for global warming. The decision does not affect recent and highly controversial EPA proposals to set the first-ever national standards for new and existing power plants. One recent proposal would aim for a 30 percent emissions reduction by 2030. 
Inside Washington
Forgotten Freedoms
Inside Washington

Iraq’s greatest tragedy

by Jim Ray

A naïve letter of advice, addressed to General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, arrived at General Headquarters in Tokyo in late December, 1945. “I am a member of the Japan Communist Party,” began the correspondence from concerned citizen Kumao Tokuheo. “No one but we Communist Party members can crush the obstinate believers in the emperor system, the imperialists, and the thieving war-lovers, and truly lead Japan to democratic nationhood.”

Mr. Tokuheo would find out that MacArthur did not have a benevolent view of the Communist Party, which was soon taken down by the General. Having personally fought two World Wars, he was desirous of avoiding a third. Almost 70 years later, democracy lives on in Japan. Is there a lesson in America’s post-World War II strategy? Just a few short years after U.S. troops pulled up stakes, Iraq is now exploding in violence. Christians in particular are suffering and dying at the hands of Islamic extremists. Many are questioning now whether the sacrifices there were all for naught. Why has everything gone wrong?

Arguments abound as to whether U.S. intervention in Iraq was justified. Blame-mongering has been apportioned among numerous presidents, but one thing is clear: American policy in Iraq has been an all-around disaster for Christian liberty. In the late 1980s, there were 1.4 million Christians in Iraq. Now there are fewer than 300,000, and many of those remaining are fleeing or in hiding. The radical group ISIS has overrun much of the country, terrorizing Christians and forcing them to embrace Islam … or be killed.    
Passing the Plate

A new motivational method

by Holly L. Meade

There is one word that can make pastors sweat in the pulpit and church attendees squirm in their seats: tithing.

There are an estimated ten million Christians in the U.S. who tithe more than 50 billion dollars annually, according to the annual State of the Plate report. The fifth annual study reveals that 97 percent of church attendees make giving to their local church a priority and 63 percent started tithing between their childhood and their twenties. It also found that 70 percent give based on their gross income and 77 percent give more than ten percent.

Studies show that the finances of Christians who give ten percent or more of their income to churches and charities are generally healthier than the finances of those who do not. However, church attendees who tithe consist of between five and 20 percent of the givers in a typical congregation, yet they donate 50 to 80 percent of the money. Among non-tithing Christians who struggle to give, 38 percent say it‘s because they can‘t afford it, 33 percent say they have too much debt and 18 percent say their spouse doesn‘t agree with tithing.

Brian Kluth, founder of Maximum Generosity, says, “We‘re in the midst of a 40-year decline in the percentage that Christians give and we need to see a generosity movement in America, that Christians re-embrace generosity as a spiritual value, but not for the sake of the church budget, but because of the Bible. Without this group of givers, most churches would cease to exist within months.”   
Pray for President Obama & Administration

Following a meeting with senior Kurdish officials, Secretary of State John Kerry said Kurdish forces have been crucial in slowing the expansion of ISIS in Iraq. Kurds make up about 20% of Iraq’s population.

Vice President Joe Biden said that protecting gay rights around the world, including the U.S., trumps cultural and social traditions and is the “defining mark of a civilized nation.”
Pray for President Obama and his advisers as they determine priorities for their next two years in office.
Congressional Prayer Needs

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) reignited a Senate floor battle of the Keystone XL pipeline, urging a floor vote, and he was promptly rebuffed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada).

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) is considering bringing a lawsuit against President Obama over his high use of executive orders that overstep Congressional authority. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said, “There’s no there there.”
Pray for the leadership in both Houses of Congress to find bipartisan cooperation as the mid-arm elections draw near.
Judicial Prayer Focus

The Supreme Court ruled that the TV company Aero is illegal, delivering a huge victory to broadcasters who warned the Aero service could destroy their industry by rebroadcasting programming without paying any fees.

The U.S. Government’s no-fly list barring people accused of links to terrorism from commercial flights violates their constitutional rights because it gives them no meaningful way to contest the decision based on internal security.
Pray for the Supreme Court Justices as they conclude the current session with the issuance of major rulings.
Pray for Current Events
The first 150 of 300 Special Forces deployed by President Obama to aid the Iraqi military in its defense against Sunni militant forces has arrived in Baghdad to establish a strategic base in the city.

President Obama has nominated Army General John Campbell to command U.S. and NATO Forces in Afghanistan after former Commander General Joseph Dunford was appointed Marine Commandant.
Pray for God’s protection over America’s military men and women wherever they are deployed.
About 20,000 people (majority Christians) are trapped in 16 communities in Central African Republic because if they leave they may be attacked by Muslim extremists, and they fear a total genocidal wipe-out of non-Muslims there.

The tenuous cease-fire in Ukraine is on the verge of collapse after pro-Russian rebels shot down a military helicopter with a heat-seeking missile near a separatist stronghold, although Russian President Putin urged cease fire agreement.
Pray about the formerly peaceful regions that are now being subjected to violence from minority groups.
The Commerce Department reports America’s economy shrank at a drastic 2.9 percent annual rate in the first quarter, a far more alarming picture in the two previous government estimates – one of which actually showed modest growth.

New home sales went up in May, but the gains simply put the market back on track to match last year’s overall pace rather than signaling a significant gain in momentum.
Pray about America’s continued sluggish economy and the millions who remain unemployed.
Palestinian support for a two-state solution with Israel has dropped below 30 percent, according to a new poll, with 68 percent saying Palestine should reclaim its area “from the river to the sea” – in other words, eliminate Israel.

Israel’s IDF Chief of Staff said the military is “still operating on the working assumption that the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped in the West Bank are still alive, but with the passing of time, fears grow.”
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6)
“Invincible,” young healthy Americans, have not enrolled in the ObamaCare exchanges so much as have young, chronically ill men and women with serious, and often very costly, medical problems.

3-D mammography, the taking of many X-ray images to create a dimensional result, appears to improve detection rates for breast cancer. Millions of women will get that test this year; but for others, it is still a far-away procedure.
Pray about health care insurance premium increases, and the new diagnostic technologies that add to medical costs.
Prayer University
Major Compassion For Minor Immigrants
Prayer 101

Flood of refugees causes southern border mess

by Diane Markins

The news media is buzzing with reports of immigrants entering the United States illegally and being shuffled around the country. From October 2013 to the end of May 2014, 162,000 people from a wide array of countries other than Mexico have entered the United States across the southern border. That’s almost 100 percent more than the previous year.

A large majority of American citizens are in favor of securing the borders. “If we don‘t send the message that they can’t just come in and stay here, it‘s gonna continue, this wave of humanity,” says Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar.

Among those coming were more than 47,000 unaccompanied children, sent by family in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador or Nicaragua to join relatives in the United States. Under U.S. law, children and families with small children will not be deported immediately, resulting in a massive undertaking for the U.S. Border Patrol. 
The Bright Spot
Tell It To Us Tuesday
The Bright Spot

Results for the Survey on the Sanctity of Marriage in America
We asked for your opinion in this week’s Tell It To Us Tuesday – and you responded! Thank you. This week’s survey had more respondents than the other surveys to date.

Here are the results. We’ll repeat the statement, and set out the percentages:

Traditional marriage is gone. Accept it and move on. 90.8% strongly disagreed with this statement, and another 4.7% somewhat disagreed. Those who somewhat agreed were 2.1%; those strongly agreeing, 2.0%, and neutral .4%.

No one has the right to force his or her morals on anyone else. [This statement is often cited by proponents of same-gender marriage. We apologize that it seemed confusing or ambiguous to many.-Editor] 34.8% strongly agreed, 18.4% somewhat agreed. Those who somewhat disagreed were 19.7% and who strongly disagreed, 17.7%. Neutral or of no opinion - 9.4%.  

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.

 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Our weekly bible study will begin July 1, 2014

Topic: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit

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  Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the

 Speaking Engagements Page”.


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