Saturday, July 19, 2014

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 7/18/14 - 7/24/14

Pray for our nation



“Please accept our apology for the late posting.”

When Tragedy Strikes

The story is told of a young man who went to college in London, became a teacher, met a young woman, fell in love and planned to settle down. Two days before the wedding, his fiancé drowned. Stricken with grief, he moved to Canada, began a new life and, once again, fell in love. Mere weeks before the wedding, his bride-to-be was suddenly sickened and died shortly thereafter. He took a vow of poverty and became a woodcutter, working only for the infirm and destitute. Some years later, he received word his mother was gravely ill; but having no means to go home, he instead wrote a short verse for her. “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” came from the pen of Joseph Scriven that day.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

Tragedies strike everyone sooner or later. What the Lord wants, even expects, is that you not wait until a tragedy comes. His desire is for you to have an abiding relationship with Him every day. Abide in my love, He says. Pray today for America’s leaders to discover anew God’s love for them, to accept that free gift of grace, and then learn what it is to be His intimate friend.

Recommended Reading: John 15:4-15  

P.G. - Your Prayer Team writing staff


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave the okay to go ahead with a ground offensive in Gaza to take out Hamas’ large network of tunnels used to smuggle arms and carry out attacks inside Israel.

Israeli and Hamas officials denied Thursday that a ceasefire has been brokered in Egypt, dismissing reports by AFP and the BBC quoting an Israeli official who said that a truce would go into effect on Friday.

Microsoft Corp. plans to cut up to 18,000 jobs over the next year, a 14% workforce reduction aimed at ditching management layers and building a more agile technology powerhouse.

A Malaysian airliner was shot down over eastern Ukraine by militants on Thursday, killing all 295 people aboard included possibly 23 Americans, a Ukrainian Interior Ministry official was quoted as saying by Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

The UN Security Council has unanimously called for a "full, thorough, and independent international investigation" into the downing of a Malaysian airliner with 298 people on board over eastern Ukraine.

More than 80% of California is now in an extreme drought, according to new data by the National Weather Service.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri warned Israel Friday that Gaza will become a graveyard for IDF soldiers, a day after Israel launched a ground offensive into the Strip as part of Operation Protective Edge.

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.


  1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


Our weekly bible study began July 1, 2014

Topic: The Baptism of the Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit

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