Friday, August 8, 2014

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 8/8/14 - 8/14/14

Pray for our Nation



A Buttress for President Barak Obama

A buttress is an architectural term referring to a structure built against a wall to support or reinforce. While seemingly insignificant, without it the wall would fall. In the period of the judges in the Old Testament, one might call Deborah a buttress of sorts. The only female judge, Deborah stood out – and stood firm – among her peers.

And Deborah said to Barak, “Up! For this is the day in which the Lord has given Sisera into your hand. Does not the Lord go out before you?”
Judges 4:14

She called the commander Barak with a message from God: to gather his troops and head to the river Kishon, where the Lord would deliver his enemy Sisero to him. Even with God’s guarantee of success, Barak wouldn’t go without Deborah. Some people are so full of the Spirit of God, just being around them makes you feel more confident. Deborah obliged Barak and offered the wise counsel of today’s verse.

She reminded him that God had already given him victory and had gone before him into battle. Remember the faithfulness of Deborah and consider who might need your encouragement today. Ask God to point out people who need to hear how He has gone before them. Then pray for Christians who hold political offices to be encouraged as well.

Recommended Reading: Romans 1:8-17


C.H. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

Hamas on Thursday rejected Israeli demands it disarm and threatened to resume its rocket attacks if its demands for lifting a crippling blockade on Gaza were not met.

Hawaii’s governor says his state is ready for a pair of hurricanes churning toward the state.

U.S. defense officials say Russian strategic nuclear bombers have conducted at least 16 incursions into northwestern U.S. air defense identification zones over the past 10 days.

Russia has massed around 20,000 combat-ready troops on Ukraine’s border and could use the pretext of a humanitarian mission to invade, NATO said on Wednesday, its starkest warning yet that Moscow could soon mount a ground assault against its neighbor.

A Russian crime ring has amassed the largest known collection of stolen Internet credentials, including 1.2 billion user name and password combinations and more than 500 million email addresses, security researchers say.

Hurricane Iselle will weaken before reaching Hawaii later this week, but heavy rain, strong winds and rough seas will affect the islands. A second hurricane, Julio, also bears watching.

Nancy Writebol, the second American to contract Ebola in Liberia, has arrived in the U.S. to be treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.

Hoping to save money and political angst, the Obama Administration is pulling back from using military facilities to provide temporary shelter for child migrants crossing the border from Central America.

More claims of divine intervention are being reported in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, with an operator of Israel’s Iron Dome missile-defense system saying he personally witnessed "the hand of God" diverting an incoming rocket out of harm’s way.

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.


  1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


Our bible study on the

The Baptism of the Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit

has concluded

You are welcome to go through any of the bible studies on your own, by clicking on the link below.


Our next Bible Study will begin

October 7, 2014

Topic: The Purpose of the Holy Spirit


  Churches, Bible Study groups, etc., that would like Evangelist Waters to speak at your church, bible study, conference, women’s ministry, special program, etc.  Please contact Minister Waters on her website listed below, on the

 Speaking Engagements Page”.


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