Sunday, November 30, 2014

Prayer Topic, “The Stump”.

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 11/28/14 - 12/4/14



The Stump

A withered tree stump; no lovely arching branches or majestic trunk, just old and ugly – could it possibly be good for anything but the fire? Isaiah 10 talks about how God chops down the arrogant like one felling tall trees. The actual people being addressed are the decedents of Israel. They had forgotten God and become disobedient. Great foreign armies came and enslaved them. It was a dark time.

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.
Isaiah 11:1

Then Isaiah 11 tells of a shoot coming up from a old stump…and there is not just a hint of life in the new sprout, there is an abundance of it. It will become the source of life for all! Isaiah is using the analogy of the tree stump to foretell that God will still bring the Messiah through Israel’s descendants. When Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross, He not only paid the price for all people’s disobedience towards God, He released believers from the heritage of sin.

Give thanks today for the amazing gift of your Savior’s sacrifice. Pray that many across America will believe and convey a heritage of abundant life to every dry and dark place in the land.

Recommended Reading: Isaiah 10:33-11:5

G.C. - Your Prayer Team writing staff
Brad Ashford
Representative - 2nd District of Nebraska
Born: Nov. 10, 1949
Family: Married, Ann Ferlic Ashford; three children
Religion: Lutheran
Education: Colgate University, B.A., 1971; Creighton University Sch of Law, J.D., 1974
Career: Attorney, 1975-2014; clothing company owner, 1993-2006
Elected Office: Nebraska Legislature 1987-94, 2007-present

Elise Stefanik
Representative - 21st district of New York
Born: July 2, 1984
Family: Single
Religion: Catholic
Education: Harvard University, B.A., 2006
Career: Wood products sales, marketing, and management company executive, 2012-present; presidential campaign aide, 2012; White House staffer, 2006-09
Elected Office: None


Ryan Costello
Representative - 6th District of Pennsylvania
Born: Sept. 7, 1976
Family: Married, Christine Costello; one child
Religion: Presbyterian
Education: Ursinus College, B.A., 1999; Villanova University, J.D., 2002
Career: Lawyer, 2002-present
Elected Office: Chester County Board of Commissioners, 2011-present; Chester County recorder of deeds, 2008-11; East Vincent Township Board of Supervisors, 2002-08

Don Beyer
Representative - 8th District of Virginia
Born: June 20, 1950
Family: Married, Megan Beyer; four children
Religion: Episcopalian
Education: Williams College, B.A., 1972
Career: Auto dealer
Elected Office: Virginia lieutenant governor, 1990-98, 2009-13


Dozens of protesters interrupted holiday shopping in the St. Louis area late Thursday and early Friday as part of the ongoing reaction to a grand jury’s decision to not indict the Ferguson police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown this past August.

Investors keeping an eye on plunging oil prices and Black Friday sales resulted in a lackluster trading day on Wall street as stocked ended mostly lower on the final trading day of November.

A man shot up a federal courthouse and a Mexican consulate in Austin, Texas on Friday before being shot to death outside the Austin, Texas, police headquarters.

Egypt’s former longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak was effectively cleared of charges in a retrial Saturday and could soon be released in a stunning reversal for a man who faced life imprisonment or worse after a revolution toppled him in 2011.

Drug smuggling is up at many California county jails and officials say it’s because some parolees are getting arrested just so they can try to sneak narcotics behind bars.

Demonstrators temporarily shut down three large malls in suburban St. Louis on Black Friday, before marching in front of the Ferguson, Missouri police department to protest the grand jury’s decision in the Michael Brown case.

We hope you had a very blessed Thanksgiving.

Our team was off for the Holiday, therefore no prayer request went out on 11/28/14.

You are welcome to go through any of the bible studies on your own, by clicking on the link below.

Our Bible Study began

NOVEMBER 4, 2014

Topic: The Purpose of the Holy Spirit

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