Friday, August 7, 2015

Prayer Topic, "Amazing Plans " 1516

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 8/7/15 - 8/13/15



Amazing Plans

When America’s forefathers were anticipating the future of their fledgling nation, they could not possibly have imagined the cultural and economic complexities challenging America today. John Adams, though, acknowledged the source and power behind their vision of the future: “the right to freedom, being the gift of God Almighty, is not in the power of Man to alienate.”

He said to them, “Hear this dream that I have dreamed.”
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Genesis 37:6

In the Bible, God had big plans for a man named Joseph. He gave him dreams about a place of service and honor being prepared specifically for him. Joseph’s aspirations to fulfill God’s plan made him a target for resentment. His adversaries thought they could derail both his dreams and God’s purposes by contriving to have Joseph imprisoned and enslaved. They succeeded in putting Joseph in prison – but ultimately his enemy’s antics merely served to prepare Joseph for God’s amazing plans.

Mortal man is not the author and finisher of your story…or of America’s future. Regardless of what you see happening in the news today, be assured that no evil can upend God’s purposes and plans. Be confident and committed to pray for the nation’s leaders today.

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Recommended Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14  Click to Read or Listen

G.C. - Your Prayer Team writing staff

Think of it as a "Star Trek" replicator for pills.

An alert has been issued by the FBI to all law enforcement agencies in Colorado and Wyoming involving U.S. military families and concerns about who may be watching them.

More than 13,000 northern Californians have been told to evacuate as the Rocky Fire rampages across almost 105 square miles in Lake, Yolo and Colusa Counties.

Based on an average of the five most recent national polls, the candidates eligible to take part in Thursday’s first presidential debate are: Businessman Donald Trump, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Several U.S. politicians sharply criticized the Obama Administration over an annual global report of human trafficking in response to a news article chronicling how senior U.S. diplomats had watered down rankings of more than a dozen strategically important countries.

Top trade officials from the United States, Canada and 10 other Pacific Rim nations fell short of concluding the biggest trade pact in history because of differences over agricultural and pharmaceutical products and automobiles, but said significant progress had been made.

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader. 

We ask you all to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.


1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


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