Thursday, August 29, 2013

Prayer for our Nation, its Leaders and Topics of Concern for 8/29/13 - 9/4/13

Morality In America
Fire In The Foxhole
Fire In The Foxhole

A battle for religious freedom in the military

by Gigi Cook

For many Americans the word “Foxhole” brings to mind an image of a camouflage clad, World War II era G.I. However, that stereotypical tie to the military of yesteryear is proving to be a significant stumbling block for some today. Now, a new kind of foxhole is being dug. This one is very close to the front-lines in a cultural war; specifically the war over religious freedom in the military.
Executive Prayer Focus
Thomas L. Tidwell
Thomas L. Tidwell, Chief, National Forest Service
Running out of money to fight wildfires at the peak of the season, the U.S. Forest Service is diverting $600 million from timber, recreation and other areas to fill the gap. The nation‘s top wildfire-fighting agency was down to $50 million after spending $967 million so far this year.
Legislative Prayer Focus
John Conyers
John Conyers, Jr., United States House of Representatives for Michigan
Several top leaders in the House are demanding the government’s spying powers be immediately curtailed in the wake of revelations the National Security Agency had improperly collected tens of thousands of emails from American citizens.
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
Major General James C. McConville
Major General James C. McConville, Commander, 101st Airborne Division, Air Assault, Afghanistan
Afghan security forces are in the lead and continue to grow in capacity and capability in the fight against the enemies of Afghanistan, the commander of the International Security Assistance Force‘s Regional Command-East said yesterday.
Judicial Prayer Focus
Thomas L. Tidwell,
Judge John D. Bates, Chief Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
A federal judge sharply rebuked the National Security Agency for repeatedly misleading the court that oversees its surveillance on domestic soil, including a program that is collecting tens of thousands of domestic emails and other internet communications from Americans each year. The year-old ruling was just made public.
Inside Washington
Spies in the Sanctuary
Inside Washington

Should the IRS monitor your pastor?

by Jim Ray

You would expect more than just 400 people to show up for a sermon by the Reverend Billy Graham, but when the famed evangelist preached at Moscow’s Church of the Resurrection on September 16, 1984, the crowd was remarkably small. It wasn’t because the Russian people lacked spiritual hunger. Rather, communist leaders of the officially-atheistic Soviet Union created an atmosphere of fear and confusion to suppress turnout.
The Bright Spot
General Thurman says Thank You
The Bright Spot
"Thank you for the prayers by The Presidential Prayer Team on behalf of Servicemembers and Families stationed in the republic of Korea. I am humbled to be the Commander, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces, Korea. It truly is a great honor to serve alongside dedicated and professional Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and Marines in the service of our Great Nation."
God’s Superheroes?

Women in ministry under pressure

by Diann Noles

How balanced is your life? That’s the question 8,000 attendees at the 2013 Women of Faith Conference in Washington, D.C. were asked to consider.

Featured speakers at the conference focused their talks on balancing the pressures of a career (in their cases, ministry) and family, and the fear of failure to be “Superwoman.” With the conference theme of “Believe God Can Do Anything,” the presenters used personal experience to encourage and challenge the audience.
Pray For President Obama & Administration

President Barack Obama is still reviewing the options on how to respond to chemical weapons attacks in Syria, but an intelligence report on those attacks is slated to be released in the late part of this week, the White House said.

At least four major labor unions have joined in opposition to Attorney General Eric Holder’s antitrust lawsuit to block the $11 billion merger of American Airlines and US Airways the Justice Department says would hurt consumers.

Pray for President Obama, his Cabinet and advisers as they consider the U.S. response to chemical attacks in Syria.
Pray For Congressional Leaders

Representative Scott Rigell (Virginia) and 32 others have signed a letter citing Constitutional authority urging President Obama to call Congress back into session if he plans to use military force in Syria.

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) promised a “whale of a fight” over the debt ceiling and said he wanted cuts rather than an increase, a program that President Obama has flatly rejected.

Pray for all members of Congress as they return to Washington after Labor Day to face September’s hard issues.
Pray For Judicial Needs

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg faulted her colleagues for creating a judicial atmosphere of activism, and she suggested she’s going to “stick around” and try to turn back that tone, at least for another year.

A New Mexico event photographer’s refusal on religious grounds to photograph the commitment ceremony of a same-sex couple amounted to illegal discrimination, the state’s highest court ruled.

Pray about the issue of judicial activism scorned by both Justice Ginsburg and Justice Scalia recently.
Pray for Current Events
In the latest of brutal attacks against civilians this year, the Afghan Taliban executed 12 Afghan workers in two provinces after accusing them of working for the government. President Karzai condemned their actions.

Afghanistan is now in no rush to sign a pact with the United States setting out how many U.S. troops will remain after the NATO mission ends next year and may even delay their decision until next spring’s elections.

Pray for the safety of our Armed Forces as they operate in a declining effort in Afghanistan.
The countdown to possible Western military action in Syria gained momentum when Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the U.S. military is “ready to go” if President Obama orders action in response to chemical attacks.

Two Islamist groups that broke away from Al Qaeda’s North Africa wing and fought in Mali have merged, pledging to attack French and other Western interests from the Nile westward across the continent.

Pray as U.S. warships and air power resources gather off the coast of Syria and in Cyprus.
The share of young adults living with their parents edged up last year despite reported improvements in the economy – a sign that the effects of the recession continue to linger across America.

Four years into the economic recovery, U.S. workers’ pay still isn’t even keeping up with the low rate of inflation, and stagnant wages continue to erode spending power of consumers as prices creep upward.

Pray for America’s families and youth as unemployment remains high and the nation’s economy struggles.
Israel ordered a small-scale mobilization of reservists Wednesday and strengthened its missile defenses against possible Syrian attacks should Western powers carry out threatened strikes on Syria.

Since mid-August, 37 Egyptian Coptic Christian churches have been either destroyed or badly damaged and at least five others were attacked, leaving at least four dead. Many Christian homes and businesses have also been attacked.

Pray about unforeseen or unintended consequences in the region should the U.S. and the West attack Syria.
The Obama Administration has delayed another step crucial to the launch of the new healthcare law, the signing of final agreements with insurance plans to be sold on federal health exchanges starting October 1.

Some 10,000 baby boomers will retire every day for the next 19 years, including many doctors, forecasting a wide numbers gap between those seeking healthcare under the new law and those able to provide it.

Pray about the issues that disrupt the timely implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
Presidential Quote of the Week
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), 35th President of the United States

We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom – symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning – signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe – the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all  to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.

1 Timothy 2:1-3
 King James Version (KJV)
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
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