Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prayer for our Nation, its Leaders and Topics of Concern for 9/5/13 - 9/11/13

Morality In America
Law Overrides Religious Freedom
Law Overrides Religious Freedom

Homosexual activists make gains in New Mexico, Texas

by Nikolas Grosfield

President Barack Obama joined many Americans in formally recognizing the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech last week. King’s famous words called on “all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics,” to join hands “until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The heroic American sought equity for all people, wanting none to suffer from “the unspeakable horrors of police brutality” and the lack of “lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.” He promised to keep fighting “as long as the Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and the Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote.”

Today, a different cultural war rages. Those in the gay community have made dramatic strides toward total social normalization, especially – in recent years – in its fight for “marriage equality.” Tragedies like the brutal murder of college student Matthew Shepard in 1998 have rallied the movement to fight against discrimination of any kind. But it often also responds to personal disagreements with religious oppression, as in two recent cases that made news.  
Executive Prayer Focus
Daniel B. Shapiro
Daniel B. Shapiro, United States Ambassador to Israel
Despite the British parliament’s rejection of a UK role in a military strike against Syria, and American public wariness over intervention, the US is determined to respond to the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons, the US ambassador to Israel said.
Legislative Prayer Focus
Bob Corker
Bob Corker, United States Senator from Tennessee
The White House and a breakout group of eight Republican senators have been unable to find agreement in their attempts at reaching a bipartisan budget deal, separated by long-standing differences over whether to only reduce spending on large benefit programs or whether to combine those cuts with increased tax revenue. Following a meeting Thursday in the White House, one of the Republicans, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, said the talks had gone nowhere.
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
Staff Sergeant Ty M. Carter
Staff Sergeant Ty M. Carter, Medal of Honor Recipient
On August 28, Staff Sergeant Ty Carter was recognized as one of America’s greatest heroes, when he became the fifth living Medal of Honor recipient for actions in Afghanistan. Only 12 men from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have been honored with the award, singled out for “conspicuous gallantry” and “selfless courage” on the battlefield.
Judicial Prayer Focus
Daniel B. Shapiro, United
Judge Consuelo B. Marshall, U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
The Department of Veterans Affairs can no longer rely on its unique reading of federal law to refuse to provide full benefits to a California veteran in a same-sex marriage, a federal judge declared in a ruling late last week.
Inside Washington
Help Wanted
Inside Washington

Part time hours, no healthcare

by Louie Christensen

When Nancy Pelosi proclaimed the necessity of the healthcare bill by telling the nation: “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it,” she might have unknowingly uttered the 15 most honest words a politician has ever spoken. As dejecting as it might be to admit it, she was right…no one ever knows with complete accuracy what results a bill will deliver until it’s been enacted, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA, better known as ObamaCare) is no different. After three years of waiting for the seeds that were sown to grow into something tangible, harvest comes in less than one month.
The Untold Story In Syria

Refugee drama bigger than chemical weapons

by Dr. Tom Askew

Under scrutiny from both sides of the political spectrum, President Obama has announced he will defer the decision of whether to engage in an armed attack on Syria until Congress reconvenes on September 9. While the rest of the world waits to see the United States response to the civil war in Syria, a bigger drama is going largely unreported: the massive refugee crisis created by ethnic and religious persecution among the factions fighting over Syria.
Pray For President Obama & Administration

On his way to the G-20 and speaking from Stockholm, Sweden, President Obama said the international community’s and Congress’ credibility – not his – is at risk where there’s no response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Secretary of State John Kerry repeatedly stressed to Senate members that “there will not be American boots on the ground with respect to the civil war in Syria,” although an earlier comment appeared to leave that door open.

Pray for President Obama and his aides as they discuss the issue of retaliation against Syria at the G-20 meetings.
Pray For Congressional Leaders

Senator Ted Cruz (Texas) called the President’s efforts to authorize military intervention in Syria a public relations move, saying the U.S. military shouldn’t be “Al Qaeda’s air force” and “we don’t have a dog in this fight.”

Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hammered out a new narrow and focused resolution that would set a 60-day deadline for Syria military action, with a possible 30-day extension, excluding U.S. military deployment.

Pray as members of Congress will vote next week on authorizations for the president to take action in Syria.
Pray For Judicial Needs

The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts is expected to rule on whether the Pledge of Allegiance violates a student’s rights in a case that will have reverberations across the nation and possibly head to the U.S. Supreme Court.

A federal appeals court ruled that White House visitor logs are presidential records and therefore exempt from disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.

Pray about the Christian faith and religious freedom being under siege in the courts across America.
Pray for Current Events
Al Qaeda’s leadership has assigned cells of engineers to find ways to shoot down, jam, or remotely hijack U.S. drones, hoping to exploit the technological vulnerabilities of the weapons system that has inflicted great losses on them.

Afghanistan is trying again to privatize a major bank whose near collapse rocked the nation’s fragile economy and served as an example of that country’s rampant high-level corruption.

Pray for the safety of American troops and weapons systems, whether in Afghanistan or the Middle East.
A radioactive plume of water in the Pacific Ocean from Japan’s Fukishima nuclear plant, damaged in the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, will likely reach U.S. coastal waters beginning in 2014, a new study reports.

Egypt ordered deposed president Mohammed Morsi to stand trial on incitement to murder charges, stepping up the purge of the Muslim Brotherhood amid weeks of unrest that have deeply divided the country.

Pray for the relationship of the United States with its allies across the globe to remain steadfast and honest.
The U.S. trade deficit widened more than expected over the summer as exports dipped, but a rebound in imports pointed to some firming in underlying domestic demand early in the third quarter, a positive sign for the economy.

Oil prices are spiking on Syrian tensions and the Israeli missile test, but how much gasoline prices will follow suit is questionable according to analysts who fear Western intervention could involve regional oil producing nations.

Pray about the many influences over our struggling national economy, and the need for significant recovery.
Police forces were dispatched Wednesday to break up Muslim stone throwers who were targeting Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount. Renewed incitement by Islamists called for Muslims to physically keep Jews from the site.

Syria’s President Assad warned that any military strike against his country would spark an uncontrollable regional war and spread “chaos and extremism,” calling the Middle East a powder keg and the flame coming very near.

Pray for Israel, as they could easily be in the cross-hairs of Iran or other Syrian allies, if attacks are made on Syria.
Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens have signed onto efforts to market the Affordable Care Act to the people of Maryland, as the Obama Administration engages Hollywood and other celebrities to help sell to young adults.

According to the latest CDC data, drug overdoses were responsible for 105 deaths a day – more than firearms or vehicle accidents – with 6,748 people treated daily for the abuse or misuse of drugs.

Pray about the impact of the Affordable Care Act which begins selling health plans on October 1.
The Bright Spot
Bush Daughter Leads Global Health Care Outreach
The Bright Spot

The extreme disparity in health outcomes and access to healthcare that exists today between the world’s rich and the world’s poor is unjust and unsustainable. This inequity is embedded in a diverse set of social, political and economic contexts that require strong leadership and innovative approaches. The complexity and scope of the challenges involved necessitate participation from a wide range of fields beyond medicine, from supply chain management to computer programming, monitoring and evaluation to human resource management.

Yet opportunities are scarce for individuals with backgrounds outside of healthcare to use their unique skills in global health. At the same time, for those who work in traditional health fields, a lack of community with other leaders limits collaboration, knowledge sharing and support. This scarcity of opportunities and community means that too many skilled and ambitious young professionals are unaware of or unable to achieve their potential impact in the health field, prolonging the creation and implementation of innovative solutions.
Presidential Quote of the Week
Lyndon B. Johnson (1908 – 1973)

Lyndon B. Johnson (1908 – 1973), 36th President of the United States

On this occasion the oath I have taken before you and before God is not mine alone, but ours together. We are one nation and one people. Our fate as a nation and our future as a people rest not upon one citizen but upon all citizens. That is the majesty and the meaning of this moment. For every generation there is a destiny. For some, history decides. For this generation the choice must be our own. Even now, a rocket moves toward Mars. It reminds us that the world will not be the same for our children, or even for ourselves in a short span of years. The next man to stand here will look out on a scene that is different from our own. Ours is a time of change – rapid and drastic change – bearing the secrets of nature, multiplying the nations, placing in uncertain lands new weapons for mastery and destruction, shaking old values and uprooting old ways. Our destiny in the midst of change will rest on the unchanged character of our people and on their faith.
Inaugural Address, January 20, 1965.
E.M. Bounds quote: "The primary purpose of prayer is to enhance your personal relationship with your Heavenly Father."
All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all  to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.
1 Timothy 2:1-3
 King James Version (KJV)
1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
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