Friday, January 24, 2014

Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 1/24/14 - 1/30/14

 Challenge to share your testimony:
Have you seen God turn tragedy into triumph in your life this past year?(or at any time?) I'd like to encourage you to share your testimony, see details below at the bottom of this blog.
Revelation 12:11 : And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony....

Morality in America
America’s Child Decline
America’s Child Decline

Childlessness rates are among the world’s highest

by Diann Noles

According to a recent World Fertility Report published by the United Nations, the United States ranks number seven out of 118 countries for childlessness. Women ages 40-44 in America have in their lifetime an average of 1.9 children, making America one of the lowest birthrate countries of the 171 where data was available. Only 19 countries had a lower fertility rate.

One in five American women beyond childbearing years never gave birth. For a nation that for generations has promoted family as one of its strengths, this seems somewhat of a surprise. What has happened to America’s children?

When the Pew Research Center analyzed the report – consisting of data from 1976, 1996 and 2008 – they found many reasons why this is occurring, and some trends that are disturbing as well.  
Executive Prayer Focus
Michael L. Connor

Michael L. Connor, Administrator, Federal Bureau of Reclamation

A drought impacting the Colorado River Basin is proving to be a challenge for the Federal Bureau of Reclamation. The river’s super-basis states are worried that they might have to curb their consumption of river water to meet their obligations downstream. But the thorniest problems are in the lower basin, where a thicket of political and legal deals has left Arizona holding the bag should the Colorado River continue to diminish. 
Legislative Prayer Focus
Raul Ruiz

Raul Ruiz, United States Representative for California

Representative Raul Ruiz was settling in on another flight home to the Southern California desert when the flight crew put out an urgent call for passengers with medical expertise. Ruiz hurried down the aisle to find an elderly man collapsed in his seat. The Congressman, an emergency room physician before voters sent him to Washington, struggled to find a pulse on his unconscious patient, measured his blood sugar and readied a defibrillator.  
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
General David M. Rodriguez

General David M. Rodriguez, Commander, United States Africa Command

The Commander of the Africa Command has repositioned forces in East Africa in an effort to attain maximum flexibility to respond to State Department requests. Already some Americans have been evacuated from the town of Bor in South Sudan. Four U.S. personnel were wounded last month in such an operation. They were evacuated to an Army hospital in Germany where they will remain until their conditions stabilize. 
Judicial Prayer Focus
Michael L. Connor, Adm

Judge Robert J. Shelby, U.S. District Court for the District of Utah

Utah will not recognize the hundreds of same-sex marriages that were temporarily allowed by a federal judge’s ruling but before the U.S. Supreme Court issued an injunction, the state’s Attorney General announced last week. 
Inside Washington
The Destructive Snare Of Cynicism
Inside Washington

Why sideline citizenship is not for you

by Jim Ray

Just like you, he paid close attention to news reports coming out of the nation’s capital. And just like you, he was discouraged by what he heard. Greed, corruption, wickedness was the standard. Although he knew, deep down inside, that no one was truly beyond God’s grace and mercy, he found it difficult to pray for those people in that city. That’s how utterly unlikeable and undeserving they were.

But he wasn’t thinking about the politicians in Washington D.C. He was thinking of Nineveh. The Prophet Jonah had been commanded by God to visit the great city and preach the truth, but he didn’t want to go. It was easier, Jonah reckoned, to simply give up and focus his energies elsewhere. And how little things have changed over the centuries! A poll published last week exposes just how frustrated Americans feel toward their leaders, with many citizens giving up on hopes of anything getting better. But is cynicism and despair the right way to cope with failure?

The survey, conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, revealed that 70 percent of Americans “say that they are not very confident or not confident at all that the federal government will make progress on the important problems and issues facing the country in 2014.” And in line with those views, the poll found “a majority of Americans feel generally pessimistic,” and “most say they have doubts about the electoral system, the standing of the United States in the global community, and the government in general.”   
The Survey Says…

Church goers prefer high touch over high tech

by By James N. Watkins

I love surveys, polls and interviews, since I always learn something. For instance:

Those surveyed during the recent “Polar Vortex”—which would make a great name for a sci-fi villain—described the recent 15 below zero temperatures as, and I quote, “Cold.” One man, dressed like Luke Skywalker on the ice planet of Hoth, was far more eloquent: “Really, really cold.”

In 2005, U.S. Health and Human Services Director Tommy Thompson called a news conference to announce the results of a multi-million-dollar government research project to fight obesity. He shocked the nation by announcing, if you want to lose weight . . . wait for it . . “Eat less and exercise more.” Your tax dollars at work!

And finally, LifeWay Research just recently revealed—and maybe you should sit down for this as well—just one-percent of church goers prefer a video teaching over the same speaker’s live, in-person presentation. You can’t make this stuff up!  
Pray for President Obama & Administration

President Obama will issue new guidelines on Friday to curtail government surveillance, but will not embrace the most far-reaching proposals of his advisers, but will ask Congress to decide some of the toughest issues.

President Obama said he intends to “mobilize the country” this year around a national mission of giving poor Americans a shot at economic success, creating five “promise zones” focused on fighting poverty.
Pray for President Obama’s domestic initiatives this year and for his relationship with Congress.
Congressional Prayer Needs

Legislation to extend federal unemployment benefits stalled in the Senate, ensuring an extension will not become law until after lawmakers return from a week-long recess. The benefits expired late last month.

Lawmakers are mulling over a possible compromise to the dairy standoff that is now holding up the farm bill, but so far dairy farmers are standing firm against passage of the current $1 trillion farm subsidy and food stamp program.
Pray for members of Congress as they take a one-week recess to visit their home states, possibly to campaign.
Judicial Prayer Focus

Supreme Court Justices showed skepticism of President Obama’s recess appointments during oral arguments. Justice Elena Kagan said that “congressional intransigence” to Obama nominees may not be enough.

An Arizona law that bans abortions beyond 20 weeks of gestation cannot be enforced after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review an Appeals Court ruling that said the law was unconstitutional.
Pray for the members of the Supreme Court to have wisdom and a nonpartisan attitude in their rulings.
Pray for Current Events
In a recent poll, Americans expressed near-record discontent and regret over the 13-year war in Afghanistan, during which 2,289 troops have died and more than 19,000 have been wounded.

President Obama defended his faith in the United States’ war mission in Afghanistan, after being criticized for a lack of passion for military action and a lack of confidence in his own troop surge and the military generals.
Pray for America’s military men and women as the draw-down in Afghanistan continues.
Three Russian servicemen and four gunmen were killed in a shootout in southern Russia during a sweep for militants before the Sochi Winter Olympics. Russia is on high alert following two suicide bombings in the region.

The Syrian government is prepared to allow delivery of humanitarian aid to some besieged areas in Syria, including East Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus where 16,000 people have been without assistance for a year.
Pray for the security of the athletes and attenders of the Winter Olympics, and that assistance might reach Syria.
Producer prices recorded their largest increase in six months during December as costs of gasoline rebounded strongly, but inflation pressures remained benign, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

U.S. retail sales advanced at a steady pace in December, a possible sign of momentum that could continue into this year, although auto sales fell. Overall, consumers feel upbeat heading into 2014, analysts say.
Pray that the U.S. economy will continue to gain strength this year, and that inflation will be held at bay.
A team of terrorism researchers has found a surge in the number of suicide attacks in the last decade, and that al Qaeda is behind the lion’s share of them. They also found a growing threat of al-Qaeda terror against Israel.

Israel’s Defense Minister has issued an apology for calling Secretary of State John Kerry “obsessive” and “messianic,” and suggesting that America’s peace efforts are without substance or success.
Pray for the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and for Israel’s protection against al-Qaeda terrorism.
Green tea can weaken the effects of commonly prescribed beta-blocker blood pressure medications, new research has found, particularly nadolol. Consumers need to check with their physicians about contra-indications in herbal drinks.

People signing up for ObamaCare tend to be older and potentially less healthy, a demographic mix that could cause premiums to rise substantially in the future if the pattern persists, insurers say.
Pray about the numerous matters surrounding ObamaCare, and for the overall general health of the American public.
Praying For The Military
Prayer 101

How you can lift up those who serve

by Harriet Al-Najjar and Dave Ficere

Since 2001, The Presidential Prayer Team has been a resource of encouragement and inspiration for more than four million people in praying for America, the president and other national leaders and members of the Armed Forces.

The ministry is built upon the foundation that Almighty God rules over the affairs of men... and moves in response to the prayers of His people. So, with unflinching devotion, members of The Presidential Prayer Team are working every day to raise the shield of prayer over this beloved country.

And—make no mistake about it—the need for prayer has never been greater. So while America’s Armed Forces safeguard liberty around the world, Christians back home must defend the nation in prayer to God; prayers that are “powerful and effective” (James 5:16) on behalf of this wonderful country millions are privileged to call home.                      
The Bright Spot
Mayor of Texas City Declares 2014 the ‘Year of the Bible’
The Bright Spot

The mayor of a Texas city is raising some eyebrows after he officially declared 2014 the “year of the Bible.”

Tom Hayden, the mayor of Flower Mound, made the declaration at a city council meeting last month. Hayden says he had considered making the declaration for two years because he wants his community to connect through the Bible, and finally decided to do so in 2014.

"There‘s so much benevolence on helping your fellow person," Hayden said. "And the morality that helped build our country is based on the values that are found in the Bible. And as we look at problems, maybe we‘re getting away from those values. And in my little small way, I want to encourage people to get back into those values."
 "Challenge to share your testimony", is a segment I'd like to publish on my blogs an in my upcoming newsletter.  If God has answered your prayer, delivered you, blessed you and you would like to testify of his goodness and greatness in your life, consider sharing your testimony.  We are all witnesses of Jesus and what he has done in our lives.  
Testimonies encourage, bring hope, and healing to others.

Testimony Criteria:

1.      Must be no more than 2 - 4 pages double-spaced typed: 12 pt.
2.      Must be your own testimony or testimony of a loved one given with permission.
3.      Must include Your first and last name and contact information such as an email address.
4.      Must specify whether or not you want your last name used in the article i.e. your testimony.  
5.      You must agree to your first name being used for your testimony.
6.      Must agree to the testimony being edited for publication and all rights reserved by PGEM. Please check spelling and grammar.
7.      Email testimonies to:

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all  to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.

 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Contact Evangelist Waters:

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