Friday, January 31, 2014

Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for 1/31/14 - 2/6/14

First Priority

George Mueller, a Christian evangelist, devoted his life to the care of over 10,000
orphans. He built several homes and established 117 schools, yet he never went into
debt. How did he do this? He relied on God and prayed first for all of the needs of
 his ministry. On one occasion, 300 children were ready for their day, but there was
no food for breakfast. Mr. Mueller had the children sit at the table to pray. As they
 finished, a baker knocked at the door and provided bread. Then a milkman whose
 cart had broken down knocked and provided fresh milk because it was going to spoil.
 Mueller was a true example of praying first to have a successful ministry.

We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.
Acts 6:4

In today’s scripture, the apostles committed to make prayer their first priority. They knew nothing they attempted would be successful without dependence  upon God.
As you work towards whatever ministry you are called
to, don’t do it in your own strength. Pray first so the power of God might be manifested in your actions. Then intercede for the nation’s leaders to genuinely commit themselves to prayer as they lead the country.
Recommended Reading: I Timothy 2:1-8

Syrian Peace Talks Agree On Women And Children Departure
The United Nations mediator brokering peace talks on Syria’s civil war says both sides have reached a deal allowing women and children to leave one city that’s been under government siege for more than a year.

Police have identified 19-year-old Darion Marcus Aguilar as the suspect in yesterday’s shooting at a shopping mall in Columbia, Maryland.

A Texas hospital has taken a pregnant, brain-dead woman off of life support after a judge ruled the family’s wishes superseded state law.

 GOP Senators Introduce ObamaCare Alternative
President Obama’s repeated claim that Republicans do not have a health care plan has never been true, and Monday three Republican Senators challenged Obama again, this time by offering their own new proposal.

Even as Palestinians and Israelis strive for an elusive peace deal to end their generations-old conflict, the two sides are preparing for failure.

Representative Trey Radel (Florida) plans to step down from Congress on Monday after being arrested on a cocaine-possession charge at a Washington-area restaurant last year, a spokesman in his office said.

After a two-year struggle and more perils than "Downton Abbey," Congress should finally see a new farm bill this week as House-Senate negotiators worked through the weekend in hopes of filing the legislation by Monday night.

  "Challenge to share your testimony", is a segment I'd like to publish on my blogs an in my upcoming newsletter.  If God has answered your prayer, delivered you, blessed you and you would like to testify of his goodness and greatness in your life, consider sharing your testimony.  We are all witnesses of Jesus and what he has done in our lives.  

Testimonies encourage, bring hope, and healing to others.

Revelation 12:11 : And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony....

Testimony Criteria:

1.      Must be no more than 2 - 4 pages double-spaced typed: 12 pt.

2.      Must be your own testimony or testimony of a loved one given with permission.

3.      Must include Your first and last name and contact information such as an email address.

4.      Must specify whether or not you want your last name used in the article i.e. your testimony.  

5.      You must agree to your first name being used for your testimony.

6.      Must agree to the testimony being edited for publication and all rights reserved by PGEM. Please check spelling and grammar.

7.      Email testimonies to:

All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader.  We ask you all  to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.

 1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

Contact Evangelist Waters:

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