Friday, January 29, 2016

America is in Desperate need for National Prayer

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 1/29/16 – 2/4/16



America Needs to Repent and Turn back to God

                   Our Nation is in Desperate need of Prayer.  America has turned from God.  God will Judge America.
Morality in America
A New Civil War
Morality in America
Are transgender rights crossing a line?
By Diane Markins
It’s crazy-time in New York City and Washington State. New laws say that if you offend someone, you may pay a fine of up to $250,000. Yes, you read that correctly and the number of zeros is accurate.
This doesn’t apply to just everyone. If you tell your boss her hair looks like she combed it with a blender, you won’t likely be held responsible (at least not by the government). But if you tell a man to turn left toward the correct bathroom and he continues right, you might be in for trouble if you try to alter his course again.
The New York City Commission on Human Rights issued new enforcement guidelines regarding discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression in December, but the ruling hasn’t attracted much notoriety as of yet.  
According to the National Law Review, “The protections also extend to discrimination in public accommodations and housing. In the employment context, the guidelines specify new requirements for employers to follow in order to avoid liability for discrimination based on gender identity or expression, and provide several examples of prohibited conduct.”

Executive Prayer Focus
Loretta Lynch

Loretta Lynch, Attorney General

Attorney General Loretta Lynch defended President Obama’s executive actions curbing guns before Congress, telling lawmakers that the president took lawful steps to stem firearms violence that kills and injures tens of thousands of Americans yearly. The steps the president announced two weeks ago had been attacked by some lawmakers who said the measures were the latest of the president’s actions infringing on the constitutional right to own guns and exceeding his executive branch powers. 
Legislative Prayer Focus
Rob Portman

Rob Portman, United States Senator from Ohio

Senators on the Senate Finance Committee pressed a top ObamaCare official over a string of failures in non-profit health insurers known as co-ops. Twelve of the 23 co-ops, set up under ObamaCare to compete with larger private insurers, have gone out of business due to financial problems. “I think saying $1.2 billion has been wasted is probably accurate,” said Senator Rob Portman of Ohio.
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
Eric Fanning

Eric Fanning, Nominee for Secretary of the Army

President Obama’s nominee for Army Secretary, Eric Fanning, told lawmakers he is worried about the downsizing of the force. “I do worry about the size of the Army today,” he told the Senate Armed Services Committee at his confirmation hearing. “If confirmed, I would look for ways to reverse as many of the combat cuts made last year. I do believe it’s a risk.”
Judicial Prayer Focus
Loretta Lynch, Attorney

Judge Amy Berman Jackson, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

After significant deliberation, U.S. District Judge Amy Bernan Jackson has struck down President Obama’s assertion of executive privilege over documents pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious, the Department of Justice program that allowed the sale and trafficking of thousands of weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels. On such weapon – a massive 50 caliber rifle that can stop a car or take down a helicopter - was recently located at the hideout of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. 
Inside Washington
The Battle of the Bay
Inside Washington
President Obama holds fast to his promise
By Holly L. Meade
In the fight against terrorism, there is a political battle in Washington regarding the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp – also known as “Gitmo.” Located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba, the U.S. military camp was established in 2002 after the 9-11 attacks. According to then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, the purpose was “to detain extraordinarily dangerous people, to interrogate detainees in an optimal setting, and to prosecute detainees for war crimes.”
The Department of Defense originally kept secret the identity of those held in Guantanamo, but finally acknowledged holding 779 prisoners in the camp. In January 2009, President Obama issued a request to suspend proceedings at Guantanamo’s military commission for 120 days and to shut down the detention facility that year. Days later, a military judge rejected the White House request in the case of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Saudi Arabian citizen who is allegedly the mastermind behind the bombing of the USS Cole and other maritime terrorist attacks prior to his capture.
President Obama, who promises to close the facility before his presidency ends, stated in November 2015 that his strategy includes moving some of the terrorist suspects held there to prisons in Kansas, Colorado and South Carolina. In addition, the Pentagon recently announced it had transferred 10 Yemeni detainees at Guantanamo Bay to the Arabian nation of Oman. That now reduces the number of prisoners at Gitmo to 93.

Pray the Vote 2016
What Matters in This Election?
Pray The Vote
Candidates, voters and parties all diverge on priorities
By Dr. Tom Askew
Like most Americans, you are probably weary from receiving e-mails or letters declaring that “this is the most critical time in American history.”
In the abstract, it is difficult to compare the crises of one historic era with another. It is generally only in retrospect that historians see the pivotal events that define the path of a nation in its history. But for those who have lived more than a couple of decades in this country, things look pretty serious right now. 
Unfortunately, Americans do not concur on which problems should have priority. 
What do the Democrats prioritize?
The recent Democrat candidate debate revealed these concerns by each candidate:
  • Bernie Sanders: Healthcare for everyone, a $15 minimum wage, creating new jobs through infrastructure spending
  • Martin O’Malley: Higher wages and letting illegal immigrants work, climate change and a “new agenda” for U.S. cities
  • Hillary Clinton: Jobs and equal pay for women, building on Obamacare, finding ways to unite the country and end the “mean-spiritedness” seen in the last several years. In a speech after the debate, Clinton stated, “There is no more important issue than reproductive rights.”

Pray for President Obama & Administration

President Obama has called for the rapid development of tests, vaccines and treatments to fight the mosquito-transmitted Zika virus, which is being linked to birth defects, and could spread to some of U.S.’ warmer climates.

President Obama said he will ban solitary confinement for juveniles in the federal prison system and reduce the practice for certain other inmates, saying it is linked to mental trauma and makes rehabilitation difficult.
Pray for President Obama as he gives directives to federal agencies and issues executive orders during his final year.
Congressional Prayer Needs

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada) and other Senate Democrats have united to push for Puerto Rico to get bankruptcy protections to help it get out from under its massive debt burden.

Representative Elijah Cummings (Maryland) and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) are mobilizing liberal groups against a proposal to privatize large portions of the nation’s air traffic control system on March 31.
Pray for bipartisan solutions to the nation’s problems to replace partisan bickering.
Judicial Prayer Focus

A federal appeals court has rejected a bid to restore public access to National Security Council records through the Freedom of Information Act saying national security policy needs to be left to the Congress and President.

The Supreme Court said those sentenced as teenagers to life imprisonment for murder must have a chance to argue that they be released from prison. It also ruled out capital punishment for teenagers.
Pray for the nation’s judges and justices to consider all aspects of equity in their rulings.
Pray for Current Events
The Iranian army warned a U.S. Navy ship Wednesday that it was too close to a naval drill in the Persian Gulf and, after receiving two warnings from Iranian naval vessels, the U.S. ship turned around.

Europe should be prepared for more ruthless coordinated attacks such as was carried out in Paris last year, Islamic State warned, who said they were planning more large-scale “Special forces style” assaults.
Pray about U.S.-Iran relationships, and about the increasing threats of Islamic State and other terror groups.
Secretary of State John Kerry warned that if China failed to do more to curb North Korea’s enhanced nuclear capacity, Washington would take steps like setting up missile defenses to protect America’s allies in Asia.

The Danish parliament approved a controversial law allowing authorities to seize refugees’ cash and valuables, and delay their being reunited with family members up to three years, in a symbolic move to “scare people away.”
Pray about North Korea’s ongoing “saber-rattling” and pray about the refugee crisis ongoing in Europe.
The Islamic State has made it clear that Israel is its next target, high-ranking Israeli armed forces officers said. The conflict will not necessarily “be tomorrow or next year,” the IDF said, “but it will happen.”

Israel is experiencing one of the most severe cyber-attacks ever on its electrical grid, its energy minister said, paralyzing many of its computers and energy-supply systems. Some fear a Russian-linked hacking group did it.
Pray for God’s hand of protection over the land and people of Israel.
The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Wednesday and said it was “closely monitoring” global economic and financial developments, but maintained an otherwise upbeat view of the U.S. economy.

Consumer confidence in January rose to the highest level since October, indicating that Americans are so far brushing off gyrations in the financial markets.
Pray that the volatility in financial markets will not have a long-term negative effect on the American economy.
Virginia lawmakers say they want to expand early education and charter schools and give parents more options on where they send their children to school, although universal pre-kindergarten was left out due to costs.

ObamaCare will enroll significantly fewer people than expected in 2016, ending the year with about 13 million customers; the Congressional Budget Office reported. Last year’s enrollment was about 20 million.
Pray for the leaders in local and state education and for legislatures looking to improve educational opportunities.
View Point
“Artificial Intelligence” and the Image of God
View Point
You are more than an “on/off” switch
By James N. Watkins
Ewe arrgh receiving this column buy hour fully-automated righting pro graham. Its just won of the many amazing developments inn technology that, unfortunately, May cause 5 million workers two loos there jobs in the next fore years. Eye am jest a bit skeptical.
Seriously, according to the World Economic Forum, developments in genetics, artificial intelligence, robotics and other technologies could eliminate the jobs of seven million workers but create two million jobs in this brave new world.
When I worked at Kellogg’s cereal company between college semesters, I did tasks a trained chimpanzee could easily accomplish. And now those jobs are performed by robotics and thousands of jobs at the company have been eliminated. So the danger is real that routine manual labor may one day be replaced completely by technology.
As a writer, I’ve felt rather safe from being replaced by a machine – until now. Robots are now writing the news! The Associated Press, in cooperation with CNBC, Yahoo! and other news sources, has been using Automated Insight’s “Wordsmith” program. Over 1,000 stories a month have been produced in the past year and a half. Most of the computer-written articles have been financial reports which are data-heavy already. The respected Forbes financial journal, along with nearly 30 other clients, is using Narrative Science to produce computer-generated stories.

POLL - What is a praying nation thinks
Has your company replaced jobs with automation or robotics? ___Yes ___No


All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader. 

We ask you all to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.


1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


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