Friday, January 1, 2016

The first week of Prayer for 2016

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 1/1/16 – 1/7/16



                 join us in praying FOR OUR NATION, STATES, AND CITIES IN 2016


Morality in America
Church Takes Sheriff to Court
Morality in America
New Orleans church cited for violating noise ordinance
By Nikolas Grosfield
If you have ever worked at a 9-1-1 dispatch center, your incoming calls may have had a distinct ring. Most phone calls in that job are routine or misdials or information requests. But any call could be a crisis, whether from citizens or from emergency personnel. Dispatchers deal with frustrating or dangerous circumstances each day, so they develop ways of coping on-the-job. Thus, dispatchers sometimes respond almost casually to new phone calls or radio transmissions. But they are ready for the worst, because they all have answered a call and heard only screaming on the other end of the line. Rigorous training prepares them to engage emergencies effectively, and without letting their emotions slow or misguide the overall response of authorities. (Free tip: consider offering a special thank you to your local dispatchers at this time of year!)
When the unique 9-1-1 ring sounds, a dispatcher may answer and say, “9-1-1, what is the address of the emergency?” (Second free tip: the location is the most important information you can give, so that call-takers can get some kind of help on the way, even before they know the problem.) So given all this, you can imagine the blend of humor and irritation dispatchers feel when the person on the other end of the “emergency call” declares, “My neighbor’s dog is barking!” A pithy reply might be, “Sir/Ma’am, this is a 9-1-1 line, please call back on the regular police phone line number.”

Executive Prayer Focus
Samantha Power

Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the United Nations

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power announced that President Obama will host a global summit on the refugee crisis during next September’s meeting of the United Nations General Assembly. 
Legislative Prayer Focus
Orrin Hatch

Orrin Hatch, United States Senator from Utah

In a recent biting editorial, written for the Washington Times, long-time Utah Senator Orrin Hatch suggests a novel and literal approach to the First Amendment, arguing that the wall of separation between the state and the church is non-existent, despite what the Supreme Court has to say about it.
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
General Philip M. Breedlove

General Philip M. Breedlove, USAF, Commander, U.S. European Command

The American military community in Europe is being urged to maintain heightened vigilance over the holidays. Their message coincides with a worldwide State Department travel warning, which also urges vigilance. 
Judicial Prayer Focus
Samantha Power, United

Justice Barbara Jackson, North Carolina Supreme Court

North Carolina’s highest court has again upheld maps drawn by Republicans for the General Assembly and congressional districts, months after the U.S. Supreme Court told state judges to review boundaries through the lens of its Alabama redistricting decision. 
Inside Washington
Creeping on Contributors
Inside Washington
Why are the feds prying into philanthropy?
By Jim Ray
What’s your Social Security Number?
By now, you’re trained not to answer that question unless the person asking can provide a legal or very compelling business reason for the request. If the wrong person gets your Social Security number (SSN) you could become the victim of identity theft.
Now, suppose the next time you are feeling generous, the charity tells you they can’t accept your gift unless you cough up your SSN. You would likely be mystified. Probably enraged. And you might decide that if this is the level of intrusion generated simply because you tried to make a gift, it’s not worth it. And yet, this is exactly what the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now proposing—so that they can scrutinize donors more closely. How bad of an idea is this? Let us count the ways.
Under current law—which everyone agrees has worked well—donors are responsible to “substantiate” charitable deductions they claim on their tax returns. But the IRS now wants charities to report individual donations by filing tax returns which lists donors’ names, addresses, SSNs, and specific information about each gift.

Pray the Vote 2016
America's National Security Threat
Pray The Vote
Thousands of U.S. visa holders missing
By Bill Noles Jr.
Since 2001, the United States has revoked 122,000 visas – 9,500 over terrorism concerns. But, during a recent congressional hearing, officials with the U.S. State Department admitted they don’t know where all those former visa holders are or what they are doing.
Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that checks are not being made regularly and didn’t give details of when or how such checks might be made, Fox News reported.
The committee of Republicans and Democrats was examining safeguards to keep extremists from exploiting legal paths to travel to the United States.
When Republican Chairman Jason Chaffetz asked where those people currently are, Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs, admitted, “I don’t know.”
“If half the employers are doing it in the United States of America, if colleges are doing it for students, why wouldn’t Homeland Security do it?” asked committee member Stephen Lynch, a Massachusetts Democrat. “We don’t even look at their public stuff, that’s what kills me.”
The Department of State, through the consular officers, is given the discretion to revoke and cancel visas based on “security concerns.”

Pray for President Obama & Administration

The Obama administration is coming under fire from some human rights groups over its plans to increase deportations of Central American migrants by rounding up undocumented families.

Few new details emerged when the Obama administration released 16 pages of emails related to Benghazi on Christmas Eve. The heavily edited documents redacted what was considered to be sensitive information.
Pray for President Obama as he begins his last year in office.
Congressional Prayer Needs

A Democratic congressman wants stepped-up monitoring of social media accounts belonging to some immigrants in response to the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, CA. "We have to do a much better job monitoring the social media of those people," Rep. Steve Israel said during a radio interview.

New York Rep. Peter King says the leader of ISIS is “probably right” that U.S.-led airstrikes have not had a massive effect on the terrorist group. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi reportedly made the comments in an audio message released last weekend.
Pray for the members of Congress as they reconvene after the first of the new year.
Judicial Prayer Focus

The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments in a major case involving abortion access. On March 2, the court will hear the case concerning requirements imposed on Texas abortion clinics by the state legislature in 2013.

A Michigan law allowing local governments to charge convicts for the everyday expense of running the courts is being hotly debated, with the law – once struck down by the courts – set to expire in 2017.
Pray for the individual and collective wisdom of those serving in the nation’s judicial system.
Pray for Current Events
American hostages who were held in Iran for 444 days between 1979 and 1981 are finally receiving compensation for their time in captivity as part of the omnibus spending bill signed last week by President Obama.

The Justice Department charged at least 60 individuals with terrorism-related crimes in 2015, an unprecedented number that officials attribute to a heightened threat from ISIS and the influence of social media on potential recruits.
Pray for worldwide efforts to defeat the Islamic State and other global terror groups.
Christmas Day attacks on Christian villages by Muslim rebels in the southern Philippines left at least 14 people dead and may have been partly influenced by the notoriety of the Islamic State group, officials say.

Iraqi security forces have claimed control of a key government facility in central Ramadi from so-called Islamic State fighters after several days of fierce fighting. All militants reported fled.
Pray for the defeat of terrorist forces in the Middle East and elsewhere around the world.
The Islamic State has released a new audio message taunting the U.S. for not sending troops to fight the “caliphate.” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said the U.S. won’t fight because “their hearts are full of fear from the mujahideen.”

The Palestinian Authority leadership is expected to meet this week to discuss the future of its relations with Israel. PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat says suspending relations with Israel with be discussed.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and in Israel as it faces threats from its neighbors.
Following San Francisco and Seattle, 14 cities, counties and state governments approved a minimum wage hike to $15 an hour in 2015 and lawmakers in 13 states and cities have proposed similar legislation for consideration in 2016.

The U.S. stock market surged in the days leading up to Christmas, but economic analysts say overall the U.S. economy seems to be slowing just as the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy.
Pray for the U.S. economy to improve as we enter 2016.
The CDC says the twin birth rate in the U.S. reached a record high in 2014, with 34 twins born for every 1,000 births.

Congress says it will overhaul the military healthcare system in 2016 to streamline the bureaucratic structure.
Pray for the healthcare needs of Americans and those who have served in the military.
View Point
Shoo The News Blues
View Point
There’s a better way than shunning information
By James N. Watkins
I’m Jim. I’m a news junkie.
“Hi, Jim.”
Yep, I’m a ten to twelve hits-a-day, mainstream and online addict. In the morning, it’s CBS radio news at 6 am. Then the local ABC station and “Good Morning, America.” At noon, it’s the independent affiliate. Six o’clock is FOX News and then “NBC Nightly News” at 6:30 pm. In between these regularly scheduled programs, I’m online for  “The Drudge Report” and CNN.
Yikes, I probably need an intervention!
A lot of my friends have kicked the news habit cold turkey. I hear over and over, “The news is just so depressing, so I don’t watch TV or subscribe to newspapers.” For someone who carried a press pass for 15 years as a reporter and columnist, I have what my high school journalism teacher called “a nose for news.” Yep, I snort news like some addicts snort cocaine. But more importantly, I have a heart for the world; the news has become my prayer list.


All prayer requests are made directly from our Presidential Prayer Leader. 

We ask you all to pray for our leaders as the scripture says.


1 Timothy 2:1-3 (KJV)

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


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