Friday, May 29, 2015

Prayer Topic, "Great Grace"

Join Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 5/29/15 - 6/4/15



Great Grace

In The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning wrote, “Suffering, failure, loneliness, sorrow, discouragement and death will be part of your journey, but the Kingdom of God will conquer all these horrors. No evil can resist grace forever.”

The days of the years…are 130 years. Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life.
Genesis 47:9

In Genesis 47, Joseph brought his father Jacob before Pharaoh. Pharaoh asked him how old he was. In his answer in today’s verse, Jacob surely remembers many bad events: his brother Esau wanting to kill him for his trickery; being tricked himself by Laban into serving extra time for his wives; his daughter being raped; his wife Rachel dying and his son Joseph supposedly being killed but sold into slavery. Through all this evil, Jacob trusted God – and because of God’s grace, he was blessed.

Though suffering, sorrow and evil may be great on your life’s journey, know God’s grace is greater. As you pray today, thank Him for His grace, and ask that He would continue to shed His blessings on you and your nation.

Recommended Reading: I John 5:1-5, 13-15  Click to Read or Listen

A.W. - Your Prayer Team writing staff


Prayer Topics:

Rick Santorum, who was the runner-up in the Republican primary race four years ago but has never been considered his party’s heir apparent, announced his second presidential bid Wednesday.

While disastrous flooding and tornadoes ravage Texas and Oklahoma, California is enduring the worst drought on record.

Sophisticated criminals used an online service run by the IRS to access personal tax information from more than 100,000 taxpayers, part of an elaborate scheme to steal identities and claim fraudulent tax refunds.


Executive Prayer Focus
John Holdren

John Holdren, White House Director of Science and Technology

The Obama Administration hopes to save the bees by feeding them better. A new federal plan aims to reverse America’s declining honeybee and monarch butterfly populations by making millions of acres of federal land more bee-friendly, spending millions of dollars more on research and considering the use of fewer pesticides. “Pollinators are struggling,” said Dr. John Holden, the president’s Director of Science and Technology and a White House adviser. 


Legislative Prayer Focus
Sheldon Whitehouse

Sheldon Whitehouse, United States Senator from Rhode Island

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has been a familiar sight in the past few years standing on the Senate floor beside a “Time to Wake Up” placard and talking to a nearly empty chamber. It happened again last Monday when the Rhode Island Senator delivered his one hundredth weekly floor speech on climate change.


Armed Forces Prayer Focus
Christine Wormuth

Christine Wormuth, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy

Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Christine E. Wormuth met with Greece’s Minister of Defense Panos Karmenos at the Pentagon to discuss security and defense issues of mutual concern. Those issues included trans-Mediterranean migration, terrorism, and Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine, the Balkans, Libya, and the Middle East. Wormuth thanked Greece for hosting U.S. forces at Souda Bay, Crete, and for its participation in operations in Afghanistan and Kosovo. 


Judicial Prayer Focus
John Holdren, White

Judge David Hamilton, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals

A federal appeals court rejected the University of Notre Dame’s request to temporarily be exempt from a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires the Catholic school’s insurance providers to cover the costs of contraceptives for students and staff. The three-judge panel didn’t rule on the merits of the case; it only refused to allow the university to opt out of the provision as its lawsuit makes its way through the courts. “What this case needs now is a trial on the merits where the relevant factual issues can be explored in depth,” Judge David Hamilton wrote. 


Inside Washington
Emergency Rooms Face Great Expectations
Inside Washington
Hospitals, doctors, patients, Obamacare…and some perspective
By Nikolas Grosfield
Major national newspapers tend to avoid repeating their own headlines. But the widest-read daily in the country, USA Today, nearly duplicated itself eleven months apart.
On June 8, 2014, an article appeared entitled “More patients flocking to ERs under Obamacare.” Then two weeks ago, USA Today ran this article as well: “Contrary to goals, ER visits rise under Obamacare.” Both stories cited American College of Emergency Physicians polls of Emergency Room doctors.
A simple Google search—ER visits and Obamacare—shows nine of the top ten results saying the same thing during the past year. Most of the sources are leading news sites, and at least two—the Huffington Post and CNBC—are often sympathetic toward President Obama.
Only CBS gave a positive spin on the issue, saying 19-25-year-olds have made fewer emergency room visits since the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) came into effect in January 2014. Young adults, however, probably need less medical care than most other age groups in America.
Discernment of the press is always prudent—especially for far right or far left sources. But if the above stories are correct, then two new problems have entered the American healthcare system.


Pray the Vote 2016
Disillusionment and Dead Voters
Pray The Vote
How 2016 will make or break the Republican Party
By Jim Ray
Sam Walton had a novel idea—back in 1980 when his Walmart chain was a little-known regional outfit. The late founder of what would become the world’s largest company dreamed up the idea of hiring senior citizens to stand at entrances and hail every incoming shopper with a welcome and a smile. For decades, the retiree-aged, blue-vested “Walmart Greeter” was a reliable icon of the discount store.
Have you noticed they’ve mostly disappeared? In 2012, Walmart decided to assign “new duties” to their greeters, ostensibly so the chain could better focus on boosting profit margins and sales. It’s a sign of the times, perhaps, and one that has an interesting corollary as America prepares for the 2016 presidential election. Senior citizens are disappearing from the ranks of the Republican Party as surely as they have disappeared from Walmart entrances—and they are not being replaced by equal numbers of younger voters. Now some analysts are suggesting the Republicans may never win the White House again.

Pray for Current Events
View Point

View Point

U.S. general publicly praises God for career

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 “Sacrifice your Life unto the Perfect Will of God”

 Date: June 2, 2015

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