Friday, May 8, 2015

Prayer Topic, "State of the Bible 2015"

Joinn Us in Prayer for our Nation, our Leaders and Topics of Concern for the week of 5/8/15 - 5/14/15



Calling all prayer warriors of the Kingdom of God


Morality in America
State of the Bible 2015

Morality in America

How does your Bible impact you?

By Nikolas Grosfield
“Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.” (Psalm 119)
“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” (Isaiah 40)
“Not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Matthew 5)
“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Matthew 24)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1)
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable…” (2 Timothy 3)
These and other verses have given Christians confidence for centuries in the authority and power of the Bible. But as a cure for a disease is useless unless used, so a lot of people leave God’s great gift of the Scriptures on the bookshelf or fail to let it impact their lives.
The American Bible Society recently reported on the Barna Research Group’s nationwide survey on the present “State of the Bible” in America. The study found that 88 percent of households in America have at least one Bible. The median number of Bibles in those homes is three.

Executive Prayer Focus
Wendy Sherman

Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs

Wendy Sherman, a top U.S. State Department official, warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the composition of his new government and its approach to the two-state solution could have serious implications for Washington’s support for Israel, particularly in the United Nations. 
Legislative Prayer Focus
Jeb Hensarling

Jeb Hensarling, U. S. Representative for Texas

House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) has asked House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) to devise a plan to deal with the expiration of the Export-Import Bank in June. Boehner said, “There are thousands of jobs on the line that would disappear pretty quickly if the Ex-Im Bank were to disappear.” So he said Chairman Hensarling needs to come up with a plan.
Armed Forces Prayer Focus
Brigadier General Paul Kennedy

Brigadier General Paul Kennedy, USMC, Commanding General, III Marine Expeditionary Brigade

A joint survey team has arrived in Nepal and is led by Marine Corps Brigadier General Paul Kennedy. The survey team will help in coordinating the response to validated requests from the government of Nepal in coordination with the U.S. Embassy in Katmandu. 
Judicial Prayer Focus
Wendy Sherman, Under Se

Judge Rudolph Contreras, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

The State Department has about three weeks to propose a date by which it will release tens of thousands of work-related emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent or received on her personal account, pursuant to an order issued by federal Judge Rudolph Contreras. 
Inside Washington
America: A land of fear?

Inside Washington

From Tornados to Terrorists

By Holly L. Meade
“So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes the needed effort to bring about prosperity once again.”
These words from Franklin Delano Roosevelt‘s presidential inauguration speech on March 4, 1933 were his efforts to calm people during the nation’s difficult times. Yet, these words still apply as the fears of American people, both individually and corporately, have not dissipated but apparently increased.
Chapman University recently initiated the first nationwide study on what strikes fear in the hearts of Americans. The Chapman Survey on American Fears included 1,500 participants and the data was organized into four basic categories: personal fears, crime, natural disasters and fear factors.
According to this poll, the number one personal fear in America today is walking alone at night.
Regarding crime, the research team discovered findings that not only surprised them, but also professionals who work in crime fields. Despite evidence to the contrary, Americans do not feel like the United States is becoming a safer place.

Pray the Vote 2016
From Survive to Thrive

Pray The Vote

Hispanic Evangelicals speak common language

By Holly L. Meade

Tener fe en Jesús. Translated into English that means have faith in Jesus. And that, not Spanish, appears to be the primary language of the world's largest Hispanic Christian organization. The National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) serves as a representative voice for more than 100 million Hispanic evangelicals assembled in over 40,000 U.S. churches and another 500,000 congregations worldwide.
The NHCLC recently held its annual multiday convention of more than 1,000 Latino evangelical leaders in Houston, Texas. The theme for this year's NHCLC convention was “From Survive to Thrive.” The Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, president of NHCLC, said, ‘Engaging a biblical narrative as a metaphor, we must rebuke the Egypt mindset, push back on the perpetual desert mentality and accept nothing less than prospering in the promise land of faith, family and freedom. Our community must repudiate all vestiges of spiritual, social and economic failure, and neither tolerate unending survival mode with dependency on Uncle Sam rather than on the gifts and abilities God deposited in each and every one of us. We must thrive so we can become a blessing to others and the answer to someone else's prayer.”

Pray for President Obama & Administration

Following an unprecedented surge in tax scams this year, the Internal Revenue Service is creating a criminal investigative team to focus on cybercrime as fraudsters used stolen data to collect tax refunds.

A new Federal Emergency Management Agency policy requires states to address climate change before they can become eligible for grant funding as part of a mitigation plan to take effect next March.
Pray for the authorities in federal agencies as they enforce laws and set policies and regulations.
Congressional Prayer Needs

A group of 25 House lawmakers led by Representative Mo Brooks (Alabama) is asking the House Rules Committee to remove an amendment to the defense policy bill that could open the door to illegal immigrants in the military.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) blazed a fresh Democrat effort to slow down legislation that would speed trade deals through Congress, saying the Senate will soon take up the bill.
Pray for our legislators as they deal with issues of national security and the economy.
Judicial Prayer Focus

The Supreme Court said it will review whether a federal agency may require market operators to compensate customers who lower their consumption of electricity during peak demand hours.

The federal government is urging the Supreme Court to reject Governor Paul LePage’s request to decide whether Maine can eliminate Medicaid coverage for thousands of low-income young adults.
Pray for the Justices of the Supreme Court as they continue to deliberate same-sex marriage and ObamaCare cases.
Pray for Current Events
The White House called a shooting outside a “Draw Mohammed” in Texas an “attempted terrorist attack,” but said it was too early to say whether the incident is tied to ISIS, which has claimed credit for the attack.

The leader of the Islamic State (ISIS) remains incapacitated due to suspected spinal damage received from injuries in a U.S. airstrike in Iraq two months ago, and has yet to resume any active control of the jihadist group.
Pray about the expanded role ISIS is endeavoring to take worldwide, and for U.S. efforts to degrade and destroy them.
As the fight against Boko Haram intensifies, President Obama is supporting Nigeria’s neighboring countries with $35 million worth of military and defense support services, but has offered nothing to the Nigerian army or government.

About 214 women rescued from Islamist Boko Haram militants in northeast Nigeria are pregnant; others are undergoing screening for infections, including HIV/AIDS. None of the rescued included the kidnapped schoolgirls.
Pray about efforts to stop the murderous rampages and kidnappings of Boko Haram and other Islamist groups.
Secretary of State John Kerry raised the specter of using a 30,000-pound bunker-buster bomb against Iran’s nuclear program in an attempt to reassure Israelis that America had its back against Tehran even if it means preemption.

A senior Fatah official said that the Palestinian Authority planned to appeal the decision to close the French inquiry into the death of Yasser Arafat over concerns investigators had concealed information.
Pray about the fears of Israel and other Middle Eastern nations regarding the U.S. agreement with Iran.
During the week that ended Sunday, Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence index fell to minus 9, the lowest level since December, as more consumers are worried about their jobs and paychecks and are spending less.

Private-sector employers slowed hiring again in April, adding a disappointing 169,000 jobs – the lowest since January 2014 - as the decline in oil prices and the dollar’s strength weighed on the labor market.
Pray about the stalling U.S. economy, and for the more than 9 million people who remain out of work.
Doctors say emergency room visits have increased since the advent of ObamaCare, undercutting one of the key selling points of President Obama’s health care law, which was supposed to ensure a healthier population.

Legislation that would have accelerated the pace of federal drug approvals in a way that critics said threatened to erode patient safety was formally released this week, in a scaled-back version with many controversial provisions omitted.
Pray about the efficacy of ObamaCare in the overall scope of Americans’ general health.
View Point
Teens and Smartphones

View Point

How much is enough?

By Carol Hatcher
Adults are concerned about the time youth are spending on smartphones. A new study shows 24 percent of teens are online almost constantly with the convenience of mobile devices. Nearly 75 percent of teens own or have access to a smart phone. While this is new technology, is it really a new problem?
When the “Walkman” was introduced in 1979, Sony predicted it would sell 5,000 per month. Instead, the portable radio sold 50,000 units the first two months, and an 80s icon was created. During this decade, teens were seen almost “constantly” wearing headphones. It was a bone of contention with the adults – the elders felt the youth were disconnected from the “real world.” Sound familiar? Replace the headphones with Apple’s iPhones and the same argument stands. So what’s a person to do?
Set boundaries
Establish some ground rules such as: no phones at the table. Whether dining out or at home, make a rule to put the phones aside and place them on silence. Calls and texts can wait. Spend time practicing face-to-face communication.

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Our Next Bible Study Topic is “Sacrifice your Life unto the Perfect Will of God”

 Date: TBD


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